
Primer code for implementing the BeepBeep app from User Stories.

Primary LanguagePython

BeepBeep Skeleton

How to run the app

For this application to work, you need to create a Strava API application see https://strava.github.io/api/#access and https://www.strava.com/settings/api

Once you have an application, you will have a "Client Id" and "Client Secret". You need to export them as environment variables:


It is a good idea to create a file (and add it to .gitignore) that contains both commands. You can then run it via:

source <filename>.sh

As usual, to start the app run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py develop

You can then run your application with:

$ python monolith/app.py
* Running on

How to create a new user

  1. Connect to Strava with the new user's account
  2. Browse and insert data.
  3. Login by browsing
  4. Click on "Authorize Strava Access" -- this will perform an OAuth trip to Strava.

Once authorized, you will be able to see your last 10 runs. But for this, we need to ask the Celery worker to fetch them.

How to run the Celery worker

Make sure you have a redis server running locally on port 6379 by running:

$ redis-server
$ redis-cli
$> ping

Then, open another shell and run:

$ celery worker -A monolith.background

This will run a celery microservice that can fetch runs. To invoke it, visit

Once the runs are retrieved, you should see your last ten runs on