
This is a Wold3D-like game. Using raycasting, we can fake a 3D when the map is purely 2D.

Primary LanguageC


Environment : MacOS - Yosemite

This is a Wold3D-like game that uses my Raycasting engine.

Raycasting is an old technic often known for being the first one used to make first-person shooters, like Wolfenstein3D and DukeNukem3D for example.

Raycasting is the fact of sending a ray in a direction to detect an intersection/collision into this direction, and it's distance. In fact, maps are simple grids rather than polygon meshes, that's why it's not real 3D, it's kind of a fake but you get the immersion of a 3D environment without many of the complexities of "real 3D" to slow you down. With that in mind, imagine a grid (which is our map) made of 0 and 1, 0 represents a cell you can walk on and 1 is a wall, you are in a cell of that grid, and you send a ray for each column of pixel of your raycasting game. So for a game of 400x300 pixels you're gonna send 400rays for each frame. Each ray you throw is gonna (or not) find a wall and it's distance thanks to lord Pythagore. With these distance, you can trace a centered line in each column of pixel, which size relies on the distance you hit the wall.

You just understood how to do a basic 3D game. That's like magic.

Technologies used :

  • C
  • MinilibX (an unofficial graphical library only containing a function to put a colored point into it's window)
  • Pythagore


PS : In this video sometimes the screen's reducing by itself. Don't worry it's not a bug, only a shortcut on MacOS (Ctrl + UpArrow) that shows and reduce all your opened apps. Yes, i used Ctrl to shoot. Don't blame me im lefty!

(Won't work on Linux, this version of MinilibX -the unofficial graphical library that i used- is only for MacOS)