three-stage specular highlight removal network

Primary LanguagePython


In this work, we propose a three-stage specular highlight removal network. To support network training and quantitative evaluation, we also present a large-scale synthetic dataset.

Towards High-Quality Specular Highlight Removal by Leveraging Large-scale Synthetic Data
Gang Fu, Qing Zhang, Lei Zhu, Chunxia Xiao, and Ping Li
In ICCV 23

Overview of our methodology

The following figure presents the pipeline of our three-stage framework. It consists of three stages: (i) physics-based specular highlight removal; (ii) specular-free refinement; and (iii) tone correction. Specifically, in the first stage (see (a)), we decompose an input image into its albedo and shading using two encoder-decoder networks ($E_a-D_a$ for albedo, and $E_s-D_s$ for shading). Then, the specular-free image can be estimated by multiplying the albedo and shading. In the second stage (see (b)), we feed the coarse result along with the input into an encoder-decoder network ($E_r-D_r$) to further refine it to alleviate visual artifacts. In the third stage (see (c)), we feed the refined result along with the input and its specular residue image into an encoder-decoder network ($E_c-D_c$) to adjust its tone so that it has the similar tone as the input as much as possible.

Prerequisities of our implementation

conda create --yes --name TSHRNet python=3.9
conda activate TSHRNet
conda install --yes pytorch==1.13.0 torchvision==0.14.0 torchaudio==0.13.0 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install --yes tqdm matplotlib

Please see "dependencies_install.sh".



The bash shell script file of "train.sh" provides the command lines for traning on different datasets.

Training on SSHR

python train_4_networks.py \
       -trdd dataset \
       -trdlf dataset/SSHR/train_7_tuples.lst \
       -dn SSHR

Training on SHIQ

python train_4_networks_mix.py \
       -trdd dataset \
       -trdlf dataset/SHIQ_data_10825/train.lst \
       -dn SHIQ

Training on PSD

python train_4_networks_mix.py \
       -trdd dataset \
       -trdlf dataset/M-PSD_Dataset/train.lst \
       -dn PSD_debug_1

Training on the mixed data

cat dataset/SSHR/train_4_tuples.lst dataset/SHIQ_data_10825/train.lst dataset/M-PSD_Dataset/train.lst >> dataset/train_mix.lst
python train_4_networks_mix.py \
       -trdd dataset \
       -trdlf dataset/train_mix.lst \
       -dn mix_SSHR_SHIQ_PSD


The bash shell script file of "test.sh" provides the command lines for testing on different datasets.

Testing on SSHR

Note thatwe split "test.lst" into four parts for testin, due to out of memory.

num_checkpoint=60 # the indexes of the used checkpoints
model_name='SSHR' # find the checkpoints in "checkpoints_${model_name}, like "checkpoints_SSHR"
testing_data_name='SSHR' # testing dataset name
# processing testing images
python test_4_networks.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/SSHR/test_7_tuples_part1.lst'
python test_4_networks.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/SSHR/test_7_tuples_part2.lst'
python test_4_networks.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/SSHR/test_7_tuples_part3.lst'
python test_4_networks.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/SSHR/test_7_tuples_part4.lst'

Testing on SHIQ

python test_4_networks_mix.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/SHIQ_data_10825/test.lst'

Testing on PSD

python test_4_networks_mix.py -mn ${model_name} -l ${num_checkpoint} -tdn ${testing_data_name} -tedd 'dataset' -tedlf 'dataset/M-PSD_Dataset/test.lst'

Index structure of image groups

Please, put the SSHR, SHIQ, and PSD datasets into the directory of "dataset".

For seven-tuples image groups (i.e. including additional albedo and shading), their index structure has the following forms:

SSHR/train/048721/0024_i.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_a.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_s.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_r.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_d.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_d_tc.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_m.jpg
SSHR/train/048721/0078_i.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0078_a.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0078_s.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0078_r.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0078_d.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0078_d_tc.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0024_m.jpg
... ...

From left to right, they are input, albedo, shading, specular residue, diffuse, tone-corrected diffuse, and object mask images, respectively.

For four-tuples image groups, their index structure has the following forms (taking our SSHR as an example).

SSHR/train/048721/0044_i.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0044_r.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0044_d.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0044_d_tc.jpg
SSHR/train/048721/0023_i.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0023_r.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0023_d.jpg SSHR/train/048721/0023_d_tc.jpg
... ...

From left to right, they are input, specular residue, diffuse, and tone-corrected diffuse images, respectively. The main reason for is that it allows to be trained with four-tuples image grops of the SHIQ and PSD datasets. Please download our SSHR dataset and see it for more details.

For SHIQ, four-tuples image groups are like:

SHIQ_data_10825/train/00583_A.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/00583_S.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/00583_D.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/00583_D_tc.png
SHIQ_data_10825/train/08766_A.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/08766_S.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/08766_D.png SHIQ_data_10825/train/08766_D_tc.png
... ...

For PSD, their images can be constructed as the above form in a list file.

Pretrained models


  author =	 {Fu, Gang and Zhang, Qing and Zhu, Lei and Xiao, Chunxia and Li, Ping},
  title =	 {Towards high-quality specular highlight removal by leveraging large-scale synthetic data},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
  year =	 {2023},
  pages =	 {To appear},


If you have any questions about this project, please contact me by xyzgfu@gmail.com