
f64 types have no PartialEq

LoganDark opened this issue · 1 comments

It seems PartialEq is not implemented for the f64 types!

However, the f32 types do have PartialEq, so what gives?


    Rotor3 => (Mat3, Vec3, Bivec3, f32),
    Rotor3x4 => (Mat3x4, Vec3x4, Bivec3x4, f32x4),
    Rotor3x8 => (Mat3x8, Vec3x8, Bivec3x8, f32x8)

impl std::cmp::PartialEq for Rotor3 {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.s == other.s && self.bv == other.bv

#[cfg(feature = "f64")]
    DRotor3 => (DMat3, DVec3, DBivec3, f64),
    DRotor3x2 => (DMat3x2, DVec3x2, DBivec3x2, f64x2),
    DRotor3x4 => (DMat3x4, DVec3x4, DBivec3x4, f64x4)

// No PartialEq for DRotor3? Come to think of it, DBivec3 doesn't have one either, even though Bivec3 does...

Should I PR? Was this an oversight or an intentional decision?

fu5ha commented