CV for Lingyu (Jack) Fuca

Welcome to my GitHub page!

At this repository, you may read my CV that is specially designed for my academic profile (professional profile).

I am currently a PhD student at the political science department at Penn State. I am applying for my dual-title PhD for social data analytics too. I am indeed a quant person, which means that my ways of understanding and interacting with this world are very mathematical. My substantive research agenda is on political risk prediction and analysis, which requires me to keep studying in comparative politics, international politics, and political economy.

For example, inferring how the domestic political game is played within a regime is a significant part of predicting what kinds of political risks would take place at what time in this country or the region. Knowing how to correctly interpret signals between two major powers is also significant for predicting regional chaos and conflicts---it is not just about "academic," but also "experience." Political economy, in my research agenda, plays a "glue" like role in connecting CP and IR knowledge together via social networks, spillover effects, preference-building, and other mindsets of understanding our societies and institutions.

I also study and apply multiple methods, and my major "toolbox" is from data science---machine learning, signal interpretation, and predictive algorithm development. While the major "bridge" that connects my toolbox with my research questions is closer to the mindset of political economy and game theory---how human beings behave under complex circumstances, with what kinds of interactions and preferences.

I would really appreciate it if you find my research ideas and mindsets interesting. And I welcome all kinds of constructive discussions on acadmeic research, because I believe learning is a life-time thing to do. Cheers.