
Tech playground for new frameworks used as job application.

Primary LanguageVue

Job Application

Auto-deployment via vercel is active, find here the Live Application. This is a spontaneous project experiment for explorative experimentation with different frameworks and technologies to achieve an acceptable result pragmatically.


This project was tested and setup on MacOS and makes no claim to run under Windows.

The following installations are required before running the project on your machine:

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build-ssr
$ yarn start

# generate static project (renamed for vercel hosting)
$ yarn build

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Dev Setup

This project was tested and setup on MacOS and makes no claim to run under Windows.

For great TypeScript support VS Code is recommended as your code editor. Furthermore the following extensions might be useful for this project:

  • Babel JavaScript VSCode syntax highlighting for today's JavaScript
  • EditorCOnfig for VS Code EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code
  • ESLint Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code
  • Vetur Vue tooling for VS Code
  • Prettier Code formatter using prettier


[ ] Migrate all scripts to lang='ts'
[ ] Move scoped styles to global custom theme (variables.scss)
[ ] Load all static JSON data via graphQL backend
[ ] Add simple canvas animation / etc. made with wasmand rust