Champ: Controllable and Consistent Human Image Animation with 3D Parametric Guidance
- alkalm
- amadeuzou
- andrewkuo
- AricGamma
- BillionerdCul-de-sac
- chaolianjun
- Dianazero
- dnoskShimmer
- eemailme
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- GGQ1996Peking University
- gradetwo
- hui13579246eBay
- i-amgeek@Manan-YMCA
- iSenses
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- JiamingSuenZJU-3DV
- JunrQShenZhen, China
- justinjohn0306
- jx-zhong-for-academic-purposeUniversity of Oxford
- Kai0226
- lijie2160北京交通大学
- linzai1992@Microsoft
- lxd941213sichuan university
- nitinmukesh
- nsl2014fm
- QingYuan-L@ucas
- robbinhanFunplus
- RYG81Designmate (I) Pvt Ltd
- showkeyjar北京
- timegate
- wangxihaoShanghai
- xxl007
- yhw-yhwHedra
- Z-L-D
- zhangxujinsh