Guideline Readme

Project inspired by a StackOverflow response!

README should be simple and short, but a good README can save time especially if it's for something like command-line parameter parsing library.


  • Name of the projects and all sub-modules and libraries (sometimes they are named different and very confusing to new users).
  • Descriptions of all the project, and all sub-modules and libraries.
  • 5-line code snippet on how its used (if it's a library).
  • Copyright and licensing information.
  • Instructions to install, configure, and to run the programs.
  • Other contact info (email address, website, company name, address, etc).
  • A brief history if it's a replacement or a fork of something else.
  • Legal notices (crypto stuff).


  • ASCII characters only, if the README is written in English.
  • Write it in English if possible, and ship translated version with two-letter language code extension like
  • 80 characters or less per line.
  • Single empty line between paragraphs.
  • Dashes under the headers.
  • Indent using whitespace (0x20) not tab.