Welcome to apple-health-exporter 👋

License: MIT Twitter: fuergaosi

Explore your apple health with Grafana


🏠 Homepage | ✨ Demo

Deploy on Railway


copy .env.example .env
# edit .env
docker compose up -d

Config Grafana

  1. Config Postgresql DB (Timescale) DB
  2. Import dashboard.json to your dashboard DB
  3. Enjoy it

Start Sync data

  1. Download Health Auto Export - JSON+CSV from App Store
  2. Config Automations like this Config

You might have to pay for it. There's a not free app. You can use Shortcuts to do this. But I don't know how to do it. If you know, please tell me.

URL is <your domain>/upload
Such as

  1. Click Update

👤 Holegots

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