
Python script that utilizes the tmdbsimple, omdb, and SendGrid APIs to return a list of highly-rated films (top-rated, in-theaters, popular, etc). "Highly-rated" is interpreted as an IMDB rating >= 7.5 (out of 10) and a Rotten Tomatoes rating >= 90% (out of 100%)

Primary LanguagePython


Python script that utilizes the tmdbsimple, omdb, and SendGrid (optional) APIs to return a list of highly-rated films (top rated, in-theaters, popular, etc).

"Highly-rated" is interpreted as an IMDB rating >= 7.5 (out of 10) and a Metacritic rating >= 75 (out of 100).

  1. First off, set up your Python environment; acquire the necessary Python packages
  • pip install tmdbsimple
  • pip install omdb
  • pip install sendgrid
  1. Get your FREE API keys:
  1. Input your newly acquired API key values into "fufufilms.py".

optional (1)

The script currently returns top-rated films. You can tweak this. For example, you can start from a different set of films by using one of the following:

response = tmdb_movies.now_playing()


response = tmdb_movies.upcoming()

optional (2)

I created a process in Windows Task Scheduler that runs "fufufilms.py" once a month. This monthly task is the reason I implemented a SendGrid function to send the final films list to target email addresses - Hooray! for spamming friends and family :).

ENJOY! and tweak to your liking!