- 1
- 7
builtin parity with OPA
#224 opened by srenatus - 1
- 4
Fregot REPL Not Recognizing Rego Errors
#289 opened by layro01 - 1
Load Packages referenced in a rego file.
#287 opened by CalvinRodo - 0
- 1
- 6
Load a directory in repl
#280 opened by snuggie12 - 0
- 1
Testing Regula advanced rules?
#277 opened by christophetd - 2
"fregot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
#276 opened by christophetd - 3
- 2
- 0
"import" ignored?
#221 opened by srenatus - 1
- 1
no 'array.slice' builtin
#222 opened by srenatus - 1
"some a, b" not allowed
#219 opened by srenatus - 2
top-level variable assignments don't work
#217 opened by srenatus - 2
Alternative to conftest
#209 opened by Iristyle - 5
Feature Request: Loading Data Files
#205 opened by ossie-git - 12
How to import "io.jwt.decode" in 'fregot repl ' ?
#187 opened by hepmkj - 1
- 0
Support `data.` paths in `with` statements
#178 opened by jaspervdj-luminal - 2
Opa doesn't support var keyword on rego files.
#179 opened by marcoslopesbritto - 0
- 2
Getting error - printf: bad formatting char 'v'
#147 opened by sean-zou - 5
- 1
Error: Could not unify type string with empty
#142 opened by sean-zou - 3
Fregot doesn't recognize raw string declaration
#139 opened by sean-zou - 1
`import input` not recognized
#132 opened by kmcquade