
A set of foundational libraries for building reactive cloud-ready applications on the JVM.

Reactor Project

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/reactor/reactor

Starting from 2.5.0, Reactor is now organized into multiple projects:

Reactor Project

Reactor Core

Reactor Core

Reactive foundations for apps and frameworks and reactive extensions inspired API with Mono (1 element) and Flux (n elements) types

Reactor IO


Reactor Addons


Reactor Incubator


Reactive Streams Commons

In a continuous mission to design the most efficient concurrency operators for Reactive Streams, a common effort -codename Reactive Streams Commons- has begun. Reactor is fully aligned with RSC design and is directly inlining RSC within its stable API contract scoped under reactor-core. Reactive Streams Commons is a research effort shared with everyone and is demanding of efficient stream processing challengers, therefore it is naturally decoupled of any framework noise.


Join the initiative, fork, discuss and PR anytime. Roadmap is collaborative and we do enjoy new ideas, simplifications, doc, feedback, and, did we mention feedback already ;) ? As any other open source project, you are the hero, Reactor is only useful because of you and we can't wait to see your pull request mate !

Maven Artifacts

Fresh snapshot and release artifacts are provided in the repo.spring.io repositories. Stable Release are synchronozied with Maven Central. To add this repo to your Gradle build, specify the URL like the following:

    repositories {
      //maven { url 'http://repo.spring.io/libs-release' }
      //maven { url 'http://repo.spring.io/libs-milestone' }
      maven { url 'http://repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot' }

    dependencies {
      // Reactor Core
      compile "io.projectreactor:reactor-core:2.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"

      // Reactor Aeron
      // compile "io.projectreactor:reactor-aeron:2.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"

       // Reactor Pipes
      // compile "io.projectreactor:reactor-pipes:2.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"

       // Reactor Netty4
       // compile "io.projectreactor:reactor-netty:2.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"

       // Reactor Codecs (Jackson, Kryo...)
       // compile "io.projectreactor:reactor-codec:2.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"



Community / Support


Reactor is Apache 2.0 licensed.