
It is an iocage-plugin made to easily use Flexget with FreeBSD, TrueNAS, FreeNAS.

Primary LanguageShell


Artifact file(s) for flexget iocage plugin



sudo iocage fetch -P flexget -n flexget -g https://github.com/fuji44/iocage-fuji44-plugins.git ip4_addr="em0|"


After installation, please access the following URL. The default password for logging in to the web UI is Flex#get123. How to change the password will be described later.


See the URL below for the Web API.



Most settings can be changed in the Web UI. Some plugins require additional packages and must be installed manually.

If you want to know more about flexget configuration, please see the following URL.


Change Password

You need to run the command to change the password. It seems that it can be changed from the Web API as well.

# If you do it on the host console
sudo iocage set -P passwd="new_password" flexget

# If you do it on the jail console
sudo iocage console flexget
su - flexget
flexget web passwd new_password

Advanced configure

If you want to make settings that cannot be done with the Web UI, you have to access the jail console and execute flexget commands or rewrite the configuration file.

flexget command

The flexget command must be run as the flexget user. See the official docs for more information on the command.

su - flexget
flexget --help

config files

flexget is installed in the python venv environment at /usr/local/flexget. Files such as logs, config and DBs can be found here.

Normally you would have to activate the venv environment or specify an absolute path to run the flexget command, but flexget users are already configured to activate venv at login. See $HOME/.cshrc

Start and stop

Please control by starting and stopping the jail.

# Run on host console
iocage start flexget
iocage stop flexget
iocage restart flexget

If you want to control only the flexget daemon without stopping the jail, run the flexget daemon command or the service flexget command.

# Use flexget command. Run as flexget user on jail console 
flexget daemon start -d
flexget daemon stop
flexget daemon status

# Use service command. Run as root user on jail console 
service flexget start
service flexget stop
service flexget status
service flexget restart # service command only

Change the autostart setting

# Run as root user on jail console 
# Enable autostart
sysrc flexget_enable=YES

# Disable autostart
sysrc flexget_enable=NO