
Sheet widgets with smooth motion and great flexibility.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Smooth Sheet

A new Flutter project.

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  • doc: Documentation
  • doc: Add more examples
  • feat: SheetContentScaffold (a persistent bottom bar && an appbar with safe top padding)
  • feat: Drag handle
  • feat: Modal dismissible route
  • feat: Provide a way to interrupt a modal route popping
  • feat: Sheet background
  • feat: Support underscroll in ScrollableSheet
  • feat: Support shared appbars in NavigationSheet
  • feat: Provide a way to customize transitions in NavigationSheet
  • feat: Dispatch sheet extent changes
  • fix: Use more graceful transition in NavigationSheet
  • fix: Snapping effect doesn't work with NavigationSheet
  • fix: Run goBallistic() after sheet animation completed