
A font viewer using the cairo dwrite font backend and vanilla DirectWrite.

I'd like to recommend to run multiple instances of the program side-by-side to compere the font renderings.

Compile and Install

You need Meson, Ninja, pkg-config and Visual Studio. You can get pkg-config from the pkg-config website or package managers (Chocolatey or winget).

Get the source code of cairo.

Start "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 20**".

Compile and install the cairo.

cd your_cairo_src_dir
meson setup _build_win --prefix c:\path\to\your\install -Dglib=disabled -Dfontconfig=disabled -Dfreetype=disabled
meson install -C _build_win

Compile and install the cairo-dwrite-font-view.

cd your_cairo_dwrite_font_view_src_dir
meson setup _build_win --prefix c:\path\to\your\install --pkg-config-path c:\path\to\your\install\lib\pkgconfig
meson install -C _build_win