
Consul KVS based dashboard web application.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A dashboard web console based on Consul's key value store.



$ make


Usase of ./consul-kv-dashboard:
  -asset="": Serve files located in /assets from local directory. If not specified, use built-in asset.
  -namespace="dashboard": Consul kv top level key name. (/v1/kv/{namespace}/...)
  -port=3000: http listen port
  -trigger="": trigger command
  -v=false: show vesion
  -version=false: show vesion

Quick start

  1. Run consul cluster.
  2. Run consul-kv-dashboard.
  3. Access to http://myhost.example.com:3000/
  4. Put a dashboard event to Consul KV.
$ curl -X PUT -d "content" localhost:8500/v1/kv/dashboard/example/myhost?flags=1422597159000

Consul KV's key name specification

  • {namespace} : namespace. (default: dashboard)
  • {category} : dashboard category (e.g. chef, serverspec, deploy...)
  • {node} : consul node name. How to get a self node name using consul API, curl -s localhost:8500/v1/agent/self | jq -r .Member.Name
  • {key} : sub event name's key. (optional)
  • {flags} : timestamp(unix_time) * 1000 + {status}
    • {status}
      • 0 : Success
      • 1 : Warning
      • 2 : Danger
      • 3 : Info


$ consul-kv-dashboard -trigger /path/to/command

Invoke trigger command when dashboard item's status was changed.

Pass a changed item (encoded as json) to command's stdin.

{"category":"testing","node":"web01","address":"","timestamp":"2015-01-21 11:22:33 +0900","status":"danger","key":"","data":"failure!!"}