
ECS Task Assistant tool.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


ecsta is an "ECS Task Assistant" tool.

Product status

Production ready.



$ brew install fujiwara/tap/ecsta


Usage: ecsta <command>

  -h, --help                        Show context-sensitive help.
  -c, --cluster=STRING              ECS cluster name ($ECS_CLUSTER)
  -r, --region=STRING               AWS region ($AWS_REGION)
  -o, --output="table"              output format (table, tsv, json) ($ECSTA_OUTPUT)
  -q, --task-format-query=STRING    A jq query to format task in selector

    Create a configuration file of ecsta

    Describe tasks

    Execute a command on a task

    List tasks

    Show log messages of a task

  portforward --local-port=INT --remote-port=INT
    Forward a port of a task

    Stop a task

    Trace a task

    Show version


ecsta is a zero configuration command. But you can use a configuration file (~/.config/ecsta/config.json) to set default options.

Run an interactive setting as below.

$ ecsta configure
$ ecsta configure --show
2022/08/08 15:36:54 configuration file: /home/fujiwara/.config/ecsta/config.json
  "filter_command": "peco",
  "output": "tsv"

List tasks

Usage: ecsta list

List tasks

  -f, --family=FAMILY               Task definition family
  -s, --service=SERVICE             Service name
      --output-tags                 Output tags of tasks
      --tags=KEY=VALUE,...          Show only tasks that have specified tags
$ ecsta list --cluster foo
|                ID                |   TASKDEFINITION   | INSTANCE | LASTSTATUS | DESIREDSTATUS |         CREATEDAT         |        GROUP        |  TYPE   |
| 38b0db90fd4c4b5aaff29288b2179b5a | ecspresso-test:499 |          | RUNNING    | RUNNING       | 2022-08-05T09:59:27+09:00 | service:nginx-local | FARGATE |
| 4deeb701c49a4892b7de39a2d0df17e0 | ecspresso-test:499 |          | RUNNING    | RUNNING       | 2022-08-06T00:12:50+09:00 | service:nginx-local | FARGATE |
$ ecsta list --cluster foo --output-tags --tags Env=prod
|                ID                |   TASKDEFINITION   | INSTANCE | LASTSTATUS | DESIREDSTATUS |         CREATEDAT         |        GROUP        |  TYPE   |           TAGS            |
| 38b0db90fd4c4b5aaff29288b2179b5a | ecspresso-test:499 |          | RUNNING    | RUNNING       | 2022-08-05T09:59:27+09:00 | service:nginx-local | FARGATE | Env=prod,Name=nginx-local |
| 4deeb701c49a4892b7de39a2d0df17e0 | ecspresso-test:499 |          | RUNNING    | RUNNING       | 2022-08-06T00:12:50+09:00 | service:nginx-local | FARGATE | Env=prod,Name=nginx-local |

Describe task

Usage: ecsta describe

Describe tasks

      --id=STRING          task ID
      --family=FAMILY      task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE    ECS service name

Exec task

Usage: ecsta exec

Execute a command on a task

      --id=STRING           task ID
      --command="sh"        command to execute
      --container=STRING    container name
      --family=FAMILY       task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE     ECS service name

Portforward task

--local-port and --remote-port, or -L is required.

Usage: ecsta portforward

Forward a port of a task

      --id=STRING                   task ID
      --container=STRING            container name
      --local-port=INT              local port
      --remote-port=INT             remote port
      --remote-host=STRING          remote host
  -L, --L=STRING                    short expression of local-port:remote-host:remote-port
      --family=FAMILY               task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE             ECS service name

An example of port forwarding. Forward a port 8080 of a task to 80 of example.com.

$ ecsta portforward --local-port 8080 --remote-port 80 --remote-host example.com

$ ecsta portforward -L 8080:example.com:80

ecsta connects to the task and starts a port forwarding. You can access the port 8080 of the local machine.

$ curl -H"Host: example.com" http://localhost:8080

Stop task

Usage: ecsta stop

Stop a task

      --id=STRING         task ID
      --force             stop without confirmation
      --family=FAMILY     task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE   ECS service name

Trace task

Run tracer. No need to install tracer command.

Usage: ecsta trace [flags]

Trace a task

      --id=STRING                   task ID
  -d, --duration=1m                 duration to trace
      --sns-topic-arn=STRING        SNS topic ARN
      --family=FAMILY               task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE             ECS service name
  -j, --json                        output JSON lines


Usage: ecsta logs

Show log messages of a task

      --id=STRING                   task ID
  -s, --start-time=STRING           a start time of logs
  -d, --duration=1m                 log timestamps duration
  -f, --follow                      follow logs
      --container=STRING            container name
      --family=FAMILY               task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE             ECS service name
  -j, --json                        output as JSON lines

--start-time accepts flexible time formats (ISO8601, RFC3339, and etc). See also (tkuchiki/parsetime)[https://github.com/tkuchiki/parsetime].

When --start-time and --follow is specified both, --start-time may not work correctly.

copy files

Usage: ecsta cp <src> <dest> [flags]

Copy files from/to a task

  <src>     Source
  <dest>    Destination

      --port=12345          port number for file transfer
      --[no-]progress       show progress bar
      --id=STRING           task ID
      --container=STRING    container name
      --family=FAMILY       task definition family name
      --service=SERVICE     ECS service name


$ ecsta cp /path/to/file.txt _:/tmp/file.txt  # copy file to a task(_ is the selected task)
$ ecsta cp 75dc060ef49b4ba1b2a33581dc5b876f:/tmp/file.txt /path/to/file.txt  # copy file from the task.

ecsta cp copies files from/to a task.

How to work ecsta cp

ecsta cp works as below.

  1. ecsta starts a temporary TCP server on the task vie ECS Exec.
    • The server listens on the specified port (default is 12345).
    • tncl is used as the server. It is a tiny TCP server that like nc -l command.
    • The server is terminated when the file transfer is completed.
  2. ecsta starts a port forwarding to the temporary server.
  3. ecsta connects to the temporary server via the port forwarding.
  4. ecsta sends or receives a file via the connection.


  • The task must have the ECS Exec feature enabled.
  • The task must have sh, base64, and chmod commands.


  • Multiple files and directories are not supported.

--task-format-query(-q) option

This option provides a formatter by jq query. The query processes tasks JSON (that output equals to ecsta describe) in task selector outputs.

For example,

$ ecsta -q '[(.tags[]|select(.key=="Env")|.value), .launchType] | @tsv' exec

A task selector output will be as below.

045a0639-1dc5-4d17-8101-2dd3fd339e91    prod    EC2
8f431e68-a57d-41db-ae8d-5eb700a134dc    dev     FARGATE

The query [(.tags[]|select(.key=="Env")|.value), .launchType] | @tsv means, "Show tags value of "Env" key, and LaunchType for tasks as TSV format.".