HTTP knocker daemon.
knockrd is a daemon to allow access from restricted IP addresses works with nginx auth_request, AWS WAF v2, EC2 security groups or etc.
Usage of knockrd:
-config string
config file name
enable debug log
port: 9876
table_name: knockrd # DynamoDB table name
ttl: 3600s # Expiration time for allowed access
knockrd works with nginx auth_request directive and Amazon DynamoDB.
Nginx example configuration.
http {
server {
listen 80;
location = /allow {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
location = /auth {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
location / {
auth_request /auth;
root /var/www/htdocs;
knockrd process must have IAM policies which allows actions as below.
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:UpdateItem
- dynamodb:DescribeTable
- dynamodb:DescribeTimeToLive
- dynamodb:CreateTable (* if a table in config is not exist)
- dynamodb:UpdateTimeToLive (*)
- A user accesses to
.- This location must be protected by other methods like OAuth or etc.
- knockrd shows HTML form to allow access from the user's IP address.
- The user pushes the "Allow" button.
- knockrd store the IP address to the backend(DynamoDB) with TTL.
- The user accesses to other locations.
- Nginx auth_request directive requests to knockrd
. - knockrd compares the IP address with the backend and returns 200 OK or 403 Forbidden.
- Nginx allows or denies the user's request based on the knockrd response.
- DynamoDB expires the item after TTL.
knockrd works with AWS WAF v2, AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB.
Prepare an IAM Role for lambda functions. arn:aws:iam::{your account ID}:role/knockrd_lambda
The role must have policies which allows actions as below.
- wafv2:GetIPSet
- wafv2:UpdateIPSet
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:UpdateItem
- dynamodb:DescribeTable
- dynamodb:DescribeTimeToLive
- dynamodb:CreateTable (* if a table in config is not exist)
- dynamodb:UpdateTimeToLive (*)
Prepare IP sets for AWF WAF v2.
Prepare config.yaml for the IP sets.
table_name: knockrd # DynamoDB table name
ttl: 300s
id: ddcdf8ad-251c-4c8f-b12f-05628b87beb6
name: knockrd
Deploy two lambda functions, knockrd-http and knockrd-stream in lambda directory with the IAM role and config.yaml. The example of lambda directory uses lambroll for deployment.
- A user accesses to
provided by knockrd-http.- This location must be protected by other methods like OAuth or etc.
- knockrd-http shows HTML form to allow access from the user's IP address.
- The user pushes the "Allow" button.
- knockrd-http store the IP address to the backend(DynamoDB) with TTL.
- knockrd-stream adds the address to AWS WAF IP Set by events on the dynamodb stream.
- The user accesses to other locations.
- AWS WAF allows or denies the user's request based on the ip sets.
- DynamoDB expires the item after TTL.
- knockrd-stream deletes from IP set by events on the stream.
knockrd works with EC2 security groups, AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB.
Prepare an IAM Role for lambda functions. arn:aws:iam::{your account ID}:role/knockrd_lambda
The role must have policies which allows actions as below.
- ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress
- ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:UpdateItem
- dynamodb:DescribeTable
- dynamodb:DescribeTimeToLive
- dynamodb:CreateTable (* if a table in config is not exist)
- dynamodb:UpdateTimeToLive (*)
Prepare EC2 security groups.
Prepare config.yaml for the security groups.
table_name: knockrd # DynamoDB table name
ttl: 86400s
- id: sg-xxxxxxxx # ID of Security Group
from_port: 22 # From port
to_port: 22 # To port
protocol: tcp # IP protocol (tcp, udp, icmp or number)
Deploy two lambda functions, knockrd-http and knockrd-stream in lambda directory with the IAM role and config.yaml. The example of lambda directory uses lambroll for deployment.
- A user accesses to
provided by knockrd-http.- This location must be protected by other methods like OAuth or etc.
- knockrd-http shows HTML form to allow access from the user's IP address.
- The user pushes the "Allow" button.
- knockrd-http store the IP address to the backend(DynamoDB) with TTL.
- knockrd-stream adds the address to security groups by events on the dynamodb stream.
- The user accesses to resources which have the security groups.
- Security groups allows or denies the user's request based on rules.
- DynamoDB expires the item after TTL.
- knockrd-stream deletes address from security groups by events on the stream.
knockrd works with Consul, AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB.
- A user accesses to
provided by knockrd.- This location must be protected by other methods like OAuth or etc.
- knockrd shows HTML form to allow access from the user's IP address.
- The user pushes the "Allow" button.
- knockrd store the IP address to the backend(DynamoDB) with TTL.
- knockrd-stream adds the address to Consul KV by events on the dynamodb stream.
- consul-template renders a configuration file for nginx with items in Consul KV.
- The user accesses to other locations.
- nginx allows or denies the user's request based on the configuration file.
- DynamoDB expires the item after TTL.
- knockrd-stream deletes from Consul KV by events on the stream.
- consul-template] renders a configuration file.
A example of consul-template's template and consul-template command for nginx.
location / {
{{ range ls "knockrd/allowed" }}
allow {{ .Value }};{{ end }}
deny all;
# consul-template -template "allowed.ctmpl:/etc/nginx/allowed.conf:service nginx reload"
consul-template renders a configuration file by the template when Key-Values are changed on Consul, and then reload nginx.
port: 9876 # listen port for knockrd
proxy_protocol: true # enable PROXY protocol (default false)
table_name: mytable_for_knockrd # DynamoDB table name
- # list of trusted CIDR to accept real_ip_header
real_ip_header: X-Forwarded-For # header whose value will be used to replace the client address
real_ip_from_cloudfront: true # append CloudFront CIDRs to real_ip_from by
ttl: Time to live to allow IP address
cache_ttl: TTL for knockrd in memory cache for allowed IP addresses
region: us-east-1 # AWS region of DynamoDB & Regional WAFv2 IP Set
endpoint: # AWS endpoints for debug
id: xxxx # ID of WAFv2 IP Set for IPv4
name: foo # Name of WAFv2 IP Set
id: xxxx # ID of WAFv2 IP Set for IPv6
name: foo # Name of WAFv2 IP Set
- id: sg-xxxxxxxx # ID of Security Group
from_port: 22 # From port
to_port: 22 # To port
protocol: tcp # IP protocol (tcp, udp, icmp or number)
address: # address of Consul agnet
scheme: http # scheme for access to consul agent
See default values for configuration at Constants/Variables.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 FUJIWARA Shunichiro