Worth2watch2 is a better version of worth2watch project which was functional and... OK... Yet, it was hard by testing and maintaining manner.
In this project, it's aimed to build a RESTFUL, functional, testable, maintainable application that manages back-end needs of a movie/series database.
- Account management
- Handling contents with admin role by adding with IMDB-ID, raw-JSON and deleting content by IMDB-ID
- Operations of add, delete movie/series to favorites in relational manner for related user and search by genre and content name
- By public access, being able to request movies list , a specific movie, series list, a specific series along with its seasons and episodes.
- By public access, searching by genre and content name.
- Dockerized application, PostgreSQL and Redis by docker-compose.
- Unit tested...
- Aimed to follow clean code and SOLID principles.
git clone https://github.com/fukaraca/worth2watch2.git
- Insert API key to env file which's been provided as free by TMDB.
- If you'll use provided docker-compose file(this is the default setting), after starting Docker daemon, run
docker-compose up -d
Now, PostgreSQL, Redis and application must be running.
In case of using local PostgreSQL and Redis, you may need to create a database and name it in accordance with config.env>>DB_NAME value.
Also you must uncomment the stated lines on config.env properly and delete the prioring keys.
This is a must because former values were for fully Dockerized option. Since you are using localhost as DB_HOST environment, it needs to be changed.
And now, you can simply
go run .
On initial run, application will create required tables automatically, only left for you is registering, logging-in, and adding-content as you wish to.
For Unix based OS users, all you need to type is make testall
For Windows users who don't have GNU-make as installed go test -v ./..
command may be used, *but ownership constraints of ./db/volume/
folder must be awared of .
package api
func endpoints(r *gin.Engine, h *service) *gin.Engine {
//naming convention for URL paths are designated for readability. So, it's not bug, it's a feature...
r.GET("/movies/:id", h.getThisMovie)
r.GET("/movies/list", h.getMoviesWithPage)
r.GET("/search", h.searchContent)
r.GET("/series/:seriesid", h.getThisSeries)
r.GET("/series/list", h.getSeriesWithPage)
r.GET("/series/:seriesid/:season", h.getEpisodesForaSeason)
r.GET("/similars", h.getSimilarContent)
//user accessed
r.POST("/favorites", h.auth(h.addToFavorites))
r.GET("/favorites", h.auth(h.getFavorites))
r.GET("/searchFavorites", h.auth(h.searchFavorites))
//content management
r.POST("/contentByID", h.auth(h.addContentByID))
r.POST("/contentWithJSON", h.auth(h.addContentWithJSON))
r.DELETE("/contentByID", h.auth(h.deleteContentByID))
//account management
r.GET("/user/:username", h.auth(h.getUserInfo))
r.POST("/register", h.checkRegistration)
r.POST("/login", h.login)
r.PATCH("/user", h.auth(h.updateUser))
r.POST("/logout", h.auth(h.logout))
return r