
Primary LanguageJavaScript

📃 About

This project is based on an application for a hair salon. Containing scheduling, appointments, session and authentication.

To start, Docker is required

🚀 How to install and start

  • git clone https://github.com/jonabf1/goBarber
  • Go to repository folder
  • docker-compose up (in Backend)
  • yarn start (in Frontend)

📄 Routes in Backend

  • post('/users') - Create a login
  • post('/sessions') - Log in to an account

From here, authentication is required

  • put('/users') - Update an account
  • get('/providers') - List providers
  • get('/providers/:providerId/available') - Check provider availability
  • post('/appointments') - Create an appointment
  • get('/appointments') - List all logged-in user's appointments
  • delete('/appointments/:id') - Delete an appointment
  • get('/schedule') - Schedule services
  • post('/files') - Profile pictures
  • get('/notifications') - List all logged in user notifications
  • put('/notifications/:id') - Confirm notification was seen

✔️ Result in Frontend

✔️ Result in Mobile

Made with ♥ by Jonathan