
Primary LanguageJavaScript


npfPhotosets() is a plugin for styling Tumblr photosets like the layout observed on the website's dashboard. It focuses on photosets created through NPF(Neue Post Format), Tumblr's new format, which allows you to create photoset's through the entire post body instead of only at the top of it when you're the original poster; however, it can also be applied to Legacy photosets.

Use case

Include both the JavaScript and the CSS file in your code, then call the function and it's parameters:

var npfOptions = {
   includeCommonPhotosets: false,

npfPhotosets("postSelector", npfOptions);



  • "postSelector" is where the selector used for your posts goes, between quotes as suggested. It can be a mere HTML selector(like “article”), a class(“.posts”), or even an array-like list.
  • photosetMargins is where the value of the margins between photos inside the photosets should be inserted. The value is measured in pixels. If you want it to have no margins, insert a 0; in case you leave it empty(like two quotation marks with nothing in-between “”), it will automatically use an adaptable percentage based value for the margins. You should always keep the quotation marks, even in the no margins case.


  • includeCommonPhotosets should have either a true or false value. If true, this will allow photosets made with the Legacy post format to be styled through this plugin. For this to work correctly, you must make sure your photosets share the same class names used for NPF photosets' elements, as well as adding to the photoset container the data-layout attribute with the {PhotosetLayout} value. This is false by default.
  • useTumblrLightbox should have either a true or false value. If true, this will allow all photosets to use the built-in Tumblr function for inserting lightboxes. This is true by default.
  • insertGalleryIndicator should have either a true or false value. If true, this will insert a div into each image container where you can put an indication that there is an image gallery with a lightbox link. If you’d rather have no indicator, change this to false. This is false by default.
  • galleryIndicatorClass is where the name of the class to be assigned to each gallery indicator div should be inserted. It is presented by default as "npf_gallery_indicator" but if anyone feels the need to use a different class name, it should be changed here. Note that this allows only one class.
  • galleryIndicatorContent is where you can insert content inside the gallery indicator div, such as text or an icon.

Maintenance classes

These classes are generated by Tumblr when setting up the post structure, and are used to find the elements that need to be used. The only reason for you to edit them is in case Tumblr changes them and you want to update these manually.

  • rowClass is where the name of the class of Tumblr’s generated row wrappers should be inserted. The current value used is "npf_row".
  • extraWrapperClass is where the name of the class of Tumblr’s generated extra wrappers for each row image should be inserted. The current value used is "npf_col".
  • imageContainerClass is where the name of the class of Tumblr’s generated full-size image wrappers should be inserted. The current value used is "tmblr-full".

Structure classes

These classes are not generated by Tumblr, but instead, by the plugin.

  • generatedPhotosetContainerClass is where the name of the class to be assigned to the generated photoset wrappers should be inserted. It is presented by default as "npf_photoset" but if anyone feels the need to use a different class name, it should be changed here - it will have to be changed on the CSS file too, so change wisely. Note that this allows only one class.
  • imageClass is where the name of the class to be assigned to each photoset image should be inserted. It is presented by default as "npf_image" but if anyone feels the need to use a different class name, it should be changed here. Note that this allows only one class.

As of 24/09/2019, includeSingleRowImagesInPhotosets has been removed.

How to use npfPhotosets() with common photosets

If you've set includeCommonPhotosets to true in order to apply the plugin not only to photosets in text posts but also to Legacy photosets, you'll also have to setup your HTML correctly. For this, make sure you:

  • Include a main wrapper with the npf_photoset class, or whatever class you're using in the plugin;
  • Set the data-layout attribute to this main wrapper with the corresponding Tumblr variable for photoset layouts, which is {PhotosetLayout};
  • Include a wrapper for each image with the tmblr-full class, or in case it is changed, whatever is the new default class for figures on Tumblr;
  • Include the npf_image class, or whatever class you're using in the plugin, in each image;
  • Set all required attributes to the image, which besides src are data-orig-width, data-orig-height, and data-highres - all with the correct Tumblr variables, which are respectively {PhotoWidth-HighRes}, {PhotoHeight-HighRes}. and {PhotoURL-HighRes}.

You should end up with something like this:

   <div class="npf_photoset" data-layout="{PhotosetLayout}">
         <figure class="tmblr-full"> 
             <img class="npf_image" alt="{PhotoAlt}" src="{PhotoURL-500}" data-orig-width="{PhotoWidth-HighRes}" data-orig-height="{PhotoHeight-HighRes}" data-highres="{PhotoURL-HighRes}">

If you wish to, you can set your src attribute to be {PhotoURL-HighRes} as well, as it makes it easier to handle responsive designs for screens larger than phones and smaller than the average desktop.