Using scene-specific contexts and region-based attention in neural image captioning
- 0
How can i caption my own images?
#15 opened by Arka95 - 0
unable to import caffe
#14 opened by Arka95 - 2
#12 opened by 17000432 - 1
#13 opened by CherishineNi - 1
A typo in readme.md
#7 opened by jamiechoi1995 - 1
problem about memory
#8 opened by xsj1993 - 1
how are features_1res extracted from resnet?
#11 opened by feiliu95 - 0
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A code error or my mistake ?
#9 opened by MenSanYan - 2
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Error while running infer.py
#5 opened by gargisri68 - 1
IOError: [Errno 32]Broken pipe
#3 opened by gargisri68 - 2
Can not download data.zip
#4 opened by anqiwang0218 - 1
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ValueError: dimension mismatch in args to gemm (1,1064)x(1104,2048)->(1,2048) Apply node that caused the error: GpuDot22(GpuJoin.0, ss@lstm#w)
#1 opened by mhashas