
Open source static code analyzers for Npgsql.

Primary LanguageC#


Static code analyzer which provides SQL syntax analysis in the comfort of your C# projects.


  • Static query syntax analysis against a real database.
  • Works with multiple variants of query declarations.

Getting started

1. Add a configuration file to your project

To be able to execute the queries against a real database, a connection string to said database is required. Provide the connection string to the NpgsqlAnalyzers through the .npgsqlanalyzers config file.

  • Create a new .npgsqlanalyzers file
  • Add CONNECTION_STRING=connection-string-to-your-database in the file
  • Add the following to your .csproj:
    <AdditionalFiles Include=".npgsqlanalyzers" />

Read more about the config file in the docs.

2. Add the analyzers to your project

Visit NpgsqlAnalyzers at NuGet for detailed instructions on how to add the analyzers to your project.


Query declarations

Currently, NpgsqlAnalyzers can detect queries defined in the following places:

  • As a string literal as part of the NpgsqlCommand constructor
new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * FROM table", ...);
// Detected query -> SELECT * FROM table
  • As a local variable passed into the NpgsqlCommand constructor
string query = "DELETE FROM table";
new NpgsqlCommand(query, ...);
// Detected query -> DELETE FROM table
  • As a local variable which is re-assigned and passed into the NpgsqlCommand constructor
string query = "SELECT * FROM table"
new NpgsqlCommand(query, ...);
// Detected query -> SELECT * FROM table

// ...

query = "UPDATE table SET status = 'awesome'";
new NpgsqlCommand(query, ...);
// Detected query -> UPDATE table SET status = 'awesome'
  • As a string literal passed to the NpgsqlCommand.CommandText property
var command = new NpgsqlCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TABLE";
// Detected query -> SELECT * FROM TABLE
  • As a local variable passed to the NpgsqlCommand.CommandText property
var query = "DELETE FROM table";
var command = new NpgsqlCommand();
command.CommandText = query;
// Detected query -> DELETE FROM table
  • As a local variable which is re-assigned and passed to the NpgsqlCommand.CommandText property
string query = "SELECT * FROM table"
new NpgsqlCommand(query, ...);
// Detected query -> SELECT * FROM table

// ...

query = "UPDATE table SET status = 'awesome'";
var command = new NpgsqlCommand();
command.CommandText = query;
// Detected query -> UPDATE table SET status = 'awesome'

Named parameters

Named parameters like @id or @user_email are invalid as part of a pure PostgreSQL statement. To avoid unwanted errors while executing the query, named parameters are replaced wil NULL inside the query. A statement containing named parameters, SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = @username, becomes SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = NULL when executed against the database for analysis.