
Broward College Fall 2014 Capstone Group One Repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript

![Broward College Logo] (https://github.com/fullarray/capstone/blob/master/final_prototype_beta/websites/browardcollegefeedback1/Images/BCLogo_github.jpg)

To submit your changes follow the commands below

  1. Git init

  2. Git Add default.aspx (you can specify any file you change)

  3. Git Commit -m 'Explain your changes in one line' <-Quotes are needed

  4. Git remote add origin https://github.com/fullarray/capstone

  5. Git push origin master

You will be asked to provide your git username and password after "git push". (Public Githubs accounts are free)

Project Name Members Location Course
Broward College Survey System 5 Coconut Creek, FL Capstone CIS4596
Status Finished

Sit back and relax while your file is uploaded :)

######The following were lines input by some group members

Thanks!(this is test 3)
Test 4

Dummy Repository
>>>>>>> ee0eb2d045b7396e2c3ba63b0f5ecf69d2d11ff1