- 1
Publish new version
#68 opened by hashwin - 3
Dependency on old version of Faraday
#56 opened by wmlutz - 0
- 0
- 0
hi who is author of this thing
#58 opened by glerinsonum - 1
- 1
- 14
- 0
No endpoint for stats
#57 opened by wmlutz - 1
Company Search Feature
#52 opened by L33tH4x0r - 0
- 0
Move API key auth to headers
#17 opened by Xorlev - 0
- 4
batch requests
#32 opened by bricemaurin - 0
- 1
Cannot get response in json same as webhook
#40 opened by faethonm - 1
Automatic rate limiting support
#31 opened by Xorlev - 5
Response headers
#37 opened by gabeodess - 2
- 8
response formatting
#36 opened by gabeodess - 2
Just a simple hash?
#35 opened by wetzler - 3
Add support for company API
#34 opened by jeremyhaile - 1
Better handling of the different status codes
#33 opened by sarcilav - 0
Fix Ruby 2.0 JSON Parser issues
#19 opened by Xorlev - 2
Webhook option
#14 opened by dagda1 - 2
License missing from gemspec
#15 opened by bf4 - 3
- 2
uninitialized constant FullContact::VERSION
#29 opened by ajungo - 5
Update to Hashie 3.2.0
#27 opened by shawnbro - 1
Gateway for testing
#18 opened by jquadrino - 2
- 2
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "hashie"
#24 opened by vijayaragavan-venkatarathinam - 2
JSON formatting inconsistency
#25 opened by mrmattwright - 4
Add support for style="dictionary" in request
#21 opened by dja - 5
Undefined method '[]' showing up
#20 opened by biznickman - 1
- 1
Update gems
#9 opened by mikegrassotti - 3
Issue with Multi-Json dependency
#4 opened by jnarowski - 2
Incompatibility with Twitter Gem
#2 opened by jnarowski - 1
Faraday and Twitter Gem Dependencies
#3 opened by jnarowski