Instance Segmentation for urban scene building


  • Python 3.6.0
  • Pytorch 1.2.0
  • CUDA 10.0

Virtual Environment

conda create -n 3DBuildingInstanceSeg python==3.6
source activate 3DBuildingInstanceSeg

Install 3DBuildingInstanceSeg

(1) Clone from the repository.

git clone
cd 3DBuildingInstanceSeg

(2) Install the dependent libraries.

pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install -c bioconda google-sparsehash 

(3) For the SparseConv, we apply the implementation of spconv as Pointgroup did. The repository is recursively downloaded at step (1). We use the version 1.0 of spconv.

Note: it was modify spconv\spconv\ to make grad_output contiguous. Make sure you use the modified spconv.

  • First please download the spconv, and put it into lib directory

  • To compile spconv, firstly install the dependent libraries.

conda install libboost
conda install -c daleydeng gcc-5 # need gcc-5.4 for sparseconv

Add the $INCLUDE_PATH$ that contains boost in lib/spconv/CMakeLists.txt. (Not necessary if it could be found.)

  • Compile the spconv library.
cd lib/spconv
python bdist_wheel
  • Run cd dist and use pip to install the generated .whl file.

(4) We also use other cuda and cpp extension(pointgroup_ops,pcdet_ops), and put them into the lib, to compile them:

cd lib/**  # (** refer to a specific extension)
python develop


This repo is built upon several repos, e.g., Pointgroup, SparseConvNet, spconv, IA-SSD and STPLS3D.