
Create single-use tokens. Then new students can create an account and enroll with these tokens.

Primary LanguagePHP


  • on activate.php allow to do mulitple tokens at once

    • plus and minus tokens on javascript
  • on activate.php validate and recommend fixes for email address // see PMT code for gamil.com

  • Add testing for the case where you enroll a student and then they expire and re-enroll again

    • it must reset progress
  • - Will reset the enrolment if the user is already enrolled but not active (this feature is not configurable)

    - Note: there is some thing called "front page" which everyone is enrolled in by default so it gets weird if you make a token for that

  • Add many screenshots here

  • Promote plugin at page like https://moodle.org/plugins/block_coupon

What is it?

This plugin lets you make single-use tokens for courses. Then anybody can use these tokens to create an account on your Moodle instance (if they don't already have one) and enroll in the course.


Install using git. Other ways may be possible but only git is supported.

Type this command in the root of your Moodle installation:

git clone git://github.com/fulldecent/moodle-local_enrollment_tokens.git ./local/enrollment_tokens

You may add this to your gitignore or local exclude files, e.g.:

echo '/local/enrollment_tokens' >> .git/info/exclude

Log into your Moodle instance as admin: the installation process will start. Alternatively, visit the Site administration > Notifications page.

After you have installed this local plugin, you'll need to configure it under Site administration -> Plugins -> Local plugins -> Twitter card in the Settings block.

Features / specification

  • All text is internationalized and new languages can be added
  • Site administrator can create tokens (/local/enrollment_tokens/)
    • Admin will select a course, enter a quantity
    • Can specify arbitrary JSON to connect with this enrollment (e.g. group assignment, email opt-out)
    • The token code is created automatically
      • From the course ID number like cprfaaed-f7df-7781
      • It can't be guessed
    • Admin can directly assign to a (new) student when creating token
  • Activate page (/local/activate.php)
    • Buttons allow to add or remove tokens and do a bunch at a time (TODO: need to document development process, JavaScript is complicated with Moodle plugin development)
    • Token IDs validate before they are used

Contributing notes

When updating the lang// files, be sure to run:

php admin/cli/purge_caches.php

Project scope

Version 2 (i.e. won't do it, 100% perfect pull requests will be reviewed but not merged for a while)

- more fine-grained permission control, more people can create tokens for some subset of courses

See also