
This repo contains docker infrastructure necessary to set up and run cardano-node, cardano-wallet and plutus-chain-index

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Dockerized cardano testnet environment

This repo contains docker infrastructure necessary to set up and run cardano-node, cardano-wallet and plutus-chain-index.

Before running

Download preprod configs to ./preprod-configs directory


docker-compose up -d


cardano-wallet and plutus-chain-index are available on ports 8090 and 9083 respectively. cardano-node, on the other hand is only available via socket, in order to access it remotely you can use socat. Run this command on your local machine:

socat UNIX-LISTEN:${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH},fork,reuseaddr,unlink-early, TCP:${HOST_IP_ADDR}:1234

Wrapping socat in systemd service

For developers convenience it may make sense to wrap it into the custom service for systemd.

Write this to ~/.config/systemd/user/some-concrete-cardano-node.service:

Description=Some concrete cardano testnet node tunnel

ExecStart=socat UNIX-LISTEN:${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH},fork,reuseaddr,unlink-early, TCP:${HOST_IP_ADDR}:1234
Environment="HOST_IP_ADDR=<IP HERE>"


Make sure you specify correct CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH and HOST_IP_ADDR.

Start and enable the service:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable some-concrete-cardano-node
systemctl --user start some-concrete-cardano-node

Check if it's up and running:

systemctl --user status some-concrete-cardano-node

Now you don't need to start socat each time after reboot.

"Connection lost with the node. Couldn't connect to node (x999). Retrying in a bit..."

cardano-wallet may spam such warnings in its output. There is no cause for panic, this happens during normal operation due to a bug within cardano-wallet itself: Rework the "Local Tx Submission" node client. #3487.


If you want to deploy testnet on the same machine with PAB, you can use node socket strightly without socat. production-env branch contains the version without socat.