Clean Architecture Boilerplate Template for .NET 6.0 Blazor WebAssembly built for FSH WebAPI with the goodness of MudBlazor Components.
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CORS Issue!
#287 opened by zrediet - 0
Can we Do Gmail/Fb social media login tried to do AadB2C but failed,so any better working option please suggest for both client & Api
#286 opened by nammadhu - 0
When open the Project in Mobile Mode The right side menu not working on first click after second click it starts working or showing right side menus
#284 opened by haritashji - 6
Reset-Password UI screen is missing.
#281 opened by Surverakesh12 - 0
Make Superadmin role for tenants management
#262 opened by wisamidris7 - 0
Unable to resolve nuget packages
#277 opened by zrediet - 0
How to get selected items from the Entity Table
#279 opened by bungaramesh - 0
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API error messages not getting passed
#261 opened by ehosch - 0
Issue with release builds/publish
#276 opened by bigiayomide - 1
How to create menu Item on Table.
#274 opened by zrediet - 2
How to update FSHAPI.cs?
#275 opened by Sevi09 - 2
The MudDatePicker does not work in the dialogbox
#257 opened by urmatgit - 1
Why does the registration page keep redirecting to the login page as soon as button pressed ?
#273 opened by Chcoflex - 1
"TypeError: Failed to fetch" error
#266 opened by Tony20221 - 1
MudTable to MudDataGrid
#272 opened by kirkey - 0
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HamburgerMenu Bug
#267 opened by Pinox - 3
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Cannot login using administrator credentials
#264 opened by Sarmadjavediqbal - 0
Search product by Brand name doesnot work
#263 opened by ertugrulkaya - 0
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validation not working
#248 opened by scharada - 4
Upgrade to .NET 7
#240 opened by dsolteszopyn - 2
Custom Mudtable UI page
#230 opened by kirkey - 0
Resend user email confirmation
#246 opened by dsolteszopyn - 0
Allow admin to set a users password
#245 opened by dsolteszopyn - 3
Table sub menu doesn't work on mobile
#217 opened by kirkey - 0
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Question on Proxy Generation
#209 opened by kallievz - 5
Error while update Role
#208 opened by anasseb - 0
Invalid Notification Received
#207 opened by fleccy - 0
Cache when create user !
#202 opened by Mike6x - 8
notifications are not shown when there are errors in the data of a new user
#187 opened by jcarlosmanuel - 0
Add a “New Update Available” notification
#179 opened by fretje - 8
MudSwitch not working in EditFormContent
#176 opened by anasseb - 1
Create milestone
#177 opened by ittyabrehman - 3
First Run Issue
#169 opened by ittyabrehman - 2
Generating UpdateProductRequest
#164 opened by anasseb - 2
Access field by code
#163 opened by anasseb - 3
Cannot open database "preReleaseTest"
#159 opened by AllanTee - 2
MudSlider wrong value
#161 opened by anasseb - 4
[HELP WANTED] Add / Fix Localization
#101 opened by iammukeshm - 4
ApiHelper returning NullReferenceException
#145 opened by 1dveeran - 0
[Bug] Admin is unable to edit details of Basic user
#130 opened by 274188A - 4
#94 opened by fretje - 3
[Error] Fetch Brand in Products
#100 opened by aabordalo - 2
Login remember me support?
#96 opened by dotnetshadow - 7