
Django web app for vision algorithm demo.

Tested under:
Python version: 3.8.3
Django version: 3.0.7


git clone
cd calculator

virtualenv -p <python3_path> venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

[To start backend]
python runserver

[To run tests]
python test

base_url = "localhost:8000/calculate"

Addition URL: base_url + '/addition' Request Method: GET

Subtraction URL: base_url + '/subtraction' Request Method: GET

Multiplication URL: base_url + '/multiplication' Request Method: GET

Division URL: base_url + '/division' Request Method: GET

Parameters to all the above mentioned endpoints: a, b The value to these parameters should be a numerical value(integer & float)

These parameter keys are not needed to be strictly a & b and also there APIs accept more than two values, i.e there can also be a third parameter, eg - c

Evaluate Expression (Bonus) URL: base_url + '/evaluate' Request Method: GET

Parameters: key-a, value should be mathematical expression. Eg - a = 5+9-4

The key does not strictly need to be a and it can accept more expressions in the same format. There can another parameter such as b = 9-8+0*6

Postman Collection:

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