
Official FullStory plugin for Babel React-Native, for native mobile

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FullStory React Native Babel Plugin


FullStory's React Native babel plugin performs transformations to enable FullStory privacy state declarations on all React Native controls, in addition to adding support for capturing click events.

This plugin does not replace @fullstory/babel-plugin-annotate-react, which annotates React components with stable attributes to help with element identity.

This plugin should only be used in conjunction with @fullstory/react-native.

This plug-in is intended to be used in conjunction with FullStory for Mobile Apps. For more information, please see this getting started guide. Email mobile-support@fullstory.com for additional help.

Install the React Native babel plugin

Note: this babel plugin is automatically installed as a dependency to @fullstory/react-native

with npm

npm i @fullstory/babel-plugin-react-native --save

with yarn

yarn add @fullstory/babel-plugin-react-native

Enabling the React Native plugin

The FullStory React Native babel plugin is required to be enabled in order for FullStory to fully work with React Native.

babel.config.js Example

module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
  plugins: ['@fullstory/react-native'],