
golang tool for managing golang dependencies in a monorepo. Super powered `go get`.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deprecation Notice

As of February 22nd, 2024, this repository will no longer have any maintenance performed, but will remain published in its current form for the time being. Please be sure to consider this when utilizing any of the information & code found within.


gorepoman helps you easily manage and version control go dependencies.

Do you use open-source golang libraries? Do you struggle to track and manage versions, update stale dependencies, and make custom edits as needed? Do you find the existing tool options somewhat lacking (git submodule, go get, various go vendoring tools)?

gorepoman may be just what you need! gorepoman is a super-powered wrapper around go get that maintains a version-controlled JSON manifest. The manifest contains the git SHAs associated with every managed package.

Quick start demo

mkdir demo
cd demo
git init
export GOPATH=`pwd`

# bootstrap gorepoman with go get
go get github.com/fullstorydev/gorepoman/...
ls ./bin/gorepoman

# now that we're bootstrapped, nuke the source we fetched with `go get`, and re-fetch gorepoman using gorepoman!
rm -rf src/github.com/pkg/errors github.com/fullstorydev/gorepoman
./bin/gorepoman fetch github.com/fullstorydev/gorepoman

# gorepoman automatically git adds its work, commit the result
git status
git commit -m "gorepoman fetch github.com/fullstorydev/gorepoman"


subcommand desc
gorepoman fetch <dep> Fetch the specified dep
gorepoman update <dep> Update the specified dep
gorepoman delete <dep> Delete the specified dep
gorepoman list List all managed deps
gorepoman list stale List all out-of-date deps
gorepoman list changed List all deps with local changes
gorepoman reconcile <dep> [cancel|done] (advanced) Reconcile a locally-changed dep with the upstream

<dep> is e.g. 'github.com/pkg/errors'


  • Quickly fetch new depedencies you need and version control them.

  • Quickly list stale dependencies, and easily update.

  • Transition gradually! gorepoman manages only the deps it has added. You don't need to go through and re-fetch all your go deps on day 1.

  • If you've made local changes to one of your deps, advanced reconcile mode exports your dep into a real (external) git repo, so you can easily merge in upstream changes or submit PRs / patches upstream.

  • The generated manifest file is sorted and formatted for consistent and easy diff / merge.


  • gorepoman is git-centric; not only must you use git yourself, but gorepoman can only manage third-party dependencies that are also git. (This is almost never a problem in practice: everyone uses git!)