
Primary LanguageStarlarkApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bazel rules for Fullstory + Android

⚠️ This is an experimental ruleset and not ready for usage ⚠️

The rules provided here can be used to integrate the Fullstory SDK into APKs generated by bazelbuild/rules_android


Not available yet



  • This library depends on bazelbuild/rules_android, and the current version requires the --experimental_google_legacy_api and --experimental_enable_android_migration_apis flags to be set. We suggest setting them in your .bazelrc as such:

    common --experimental_google_legacy_api
    common --experimental_enable_android_migration_apis

Integrating the SDK

To integrate your APK with the Fullstory SDK, you can use the fullstory_android_binary rule:

load("@fullstory_rules_android//android:defs.bzl", "fullstory_android_binary")

    name = "app_with_fs",
    app = "//package:android_buinary_target",

This will take the unsigned APK generated by the given target, integrate it with the Fullstory SDK, and generate new signed and unsigned APKs.