Python engineer @zapier, formerly Ruby @dribbble. Dabbles in JavaScript and Elixir, used to do a lot of PHP.
Fully Baked LtdBournemouth, UK
fullybaked's Followers
- 01001101CK
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- AslanTaheriNew York
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- Connor9994
- cusspvzmosano.eu
- dalindevOttawa, Earth #7
- EvanBurchardSan Francisco
- FuentesNina
- GrannyYettaWBS Coding School
- jayhill90@shipstation
- jayrohjayroh LLC
- jeanlucaslimaBrazil
- JeffDonovanDes Moines, Iowa
- joestrong
- juliozuppaCuritiba, PR, Brasil
- kayesjewel
- kormikUnited Kingdom
- kweeuhree
- kwhatLos Angeles, CA
- MaxWilco
- meekjeffhttps://www.thesignalfactory.com/
- MohamedAhmdsdn
- NavneetRajbanshi
- oceanbeedev
- Okumu87Holland
- PeacesandyNigeria
- rvictorcardozo@AocaGameLab
- scopes1337Nope
- ShamvuchandradasDhaka, Bangladesh.
- ShreehariVaasishta
- stacietaylorcimaZapier
- StefieCaffGoIT
- tareq-halaby@D4A
- w3guyProper Fraction LLC
- wheninseattleSeattle, WA