Nested Named Entity Recognition via Second-best Sequence Learning and Decoding (RU rework)

Основано на Nested Named Entity Recognition via Second-best Sequence Learning and Decoding
Takashi Shibuya, Eduard Hovy
Статья и соответствующий репозиторий.

а также **Adaptation of Deep Bidirectional Multilingual Transformers for Russian Language**
Yuri Kuratov, Mikhail Arkhipov ([Статья]( и самой [модели](

Запуск и полное использование полностью повторяется за оригинальным репозиторием. Также в каталоге dumps можно найти пример обученной модели на данных NEREL-bio - веса обученной модели. Там же хранятся результаты обучения и тестирования модели.

Based upon Nested Named Entity Recognition via Second-best Sequence Learning and Decoding
Takashi Shibuya, Eduard Hovy
Paper and related repo.

as well as **Adaptation of Deep Bidirectional Multilingual Transformers for Russian Language**
Yuri Kuratov, Mikhail Arkhipov ([Paper]( and the [model](

Launch and full use is completely the same as the original repository. Also in the directory dumps you can find an example of a trained model on the data NEREL-bio - the weights of the trained model. The results of training and testing the model are also stored there.