Aptible Deploy Software Engineer Work Sample

Provided is a tiny RESTful API that generates SSH certificates with specific limitations. See the work sample instructions for more details.

Running the application

The application is pre-bundled for usage with docker-compose to make running the application easier.

To start the application, run docker-compose up.

Running tests

test_app.py contains a basic test, which may help in understanding how to interact with the API. Tests can be run using docker-compose run web pytest -rA --disable-warnings.

Fulvio Casali's Work Sample

The included Makefile contains most of the commands needed to set up the local and remote environments, and deploy the docker containers (locally and remotely).


  1. In the hosts file, either replace the value of ansible_ssh_host with a real hostname, IP address, or a name that is registered in your .ssh/config file. Ideally, you should add a aptible-work-sample entry to .ssh/config.

  2. Also, replace the path to the ssh key you want to use in hosts file.

  3. In docker-compose, replace the TODO placeholders with real domain names and email addresses.

  4. Run make playbook-setup.

  5. Run make docker-context.

  6. Run make compose-pull.

  7. Run make compose-up.

Your remote host will now run an nginx proxy with letsencrypt certificates, proxying all traffic to flask on port 3000.

Additional Security Measures

I would also enable the server's firewall (can be done with ansible) to close all ports except for 80, 443 and 22. For ssh, we would even listen on a port other than 22 (e.g. 2222) for security-by-obscurity and close 22. I would make sure that the following items are configured in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

  • PermitEmptyPasswords no
  • PasswordAuthentication no (we only want to allow key-pair authentication on ssh).