
enter image description here **

This is a website for a fictional restaurant.

Techs: React.JS - SCSS (CSS Modules) - React Hooks - Normallyze CSS - ClassNames - React-Router-DOM

Project for learning purposes, in it I:

I created a project from scratch with Create React app

I learned how to use normalize.css to reset default browser styles

I configured absolute imports so that I no longer need to import files with several levels ('../../../')

I learned good practices in CSS like creating variables, creating files for these variables and for media-query breakpoints

Use the Classnames package to be able to use CSS Modules without having to concatenate a bunch of CSS styles and deal with conditional styles

I learned how to use SVGR, a package that comes with Create React App to import svgs as React components

I understood how React understands static imports both via .js files and in style files like .scss or .css.

I learned how to import static files as variables via js or using the public folder for dynamic imports of static files