
Geant4 example for experiment

Primary LanguageC++

mc - GAPS simulation

GitHub commit activity GitHub last commit GitHub code size in bytes GitHub pull requests Ubuntu 22.04 Mac with M1

This is an example of Geant4 simulation and data processing for physics experiment.


  • Prepared physics, materials, primary generators
  • Output as ROOT TTree
  • Human friendly logger
  • Data pocessing examples
  • Track git hash
  • Basic tests



  • Geant4 11.0
  • ROOT 6 with C++17 option
  • Qt (for interactive mode)

You can run easily, without installing ROOT and Geant4 using virtual machine. When you use this virtual machine, you have to do source $ROOTSYS/bin/thisroot.sh before running.

Install & build

First of all, clone this repository,

> git clone https://github.com/mzks/mc
> cd mc

Then, execute ./make.sh or step-by-step build.

> cmake -B build
> cmake --build build
> cmake --install build --prefix .

The ./make.sh script will execute build, install, and full test automatically.

Run MC

  • GUI interactive mode
> ./bin/mc -i
  • Batch mode
> ./bin/mc -m run.mac

Command line options are

-h --help               	shows help message and exits [default: false]
-v --version            	prints version information and exits [default: false]
-m --macro              	set macro filename for batch mode [default: "run.mac"]
-o --output             	output file name with .root [default: "mc.root"]
-i --interactive        	run as interactive mode, not batch [default: false]
-s --seed               	run as interactive mode, not batch [default: 0]
-p --path-to-macro      	set macro search path with colon-separated list [default: ".:bench:../bench"]
-a --ascii              	Output with ascii file, not root [default: false]
-k --keep-history       	Make a file to keep command list [default: false]
-r --root-include-macro 	Store command list to root file [default: false]

With -k option, the used macro list will be generated as like mc_macro.txt. This is a macro which can be used as a input, thus you can run again with the file with ./bin/mc -m mc_macro.txt.

The bench/run.mac is an example of the input macro for the mc. As a primary particle generator, three options are provided with /mcgun/selectGunAction The first option (pg) is a mcParticleGun. This is a G4ParticleGun with some user customed command. If you want to custom your primary particle, it is a good option when you generates 1 particle per each event. The second option is a G4GeneralParticleSource (gps). The third option is fully-user customed primary particle generator (custom). The primary particle is defined at mcPrimaryGeneratorAction.

Output file format

The generated file with mc includes parameters and a TTree named mc.

Included parameters are

Parameter name Example Description
git_sha1 46f7d136b2e52ff0dc52ba25f871ea753730a03d-dirty The source git SHA1 hash in build phase. If the source is modified, the hash has a suffix, -dirty
git_date Mon Aug 22 18:14:29 2022 The source git date
git_subject Add tests for reconstruction The source git subject
G4Version Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-00-patch-02 [MT],(25-May-2022) Used Geant4 version
ROOTVersion 6.26/04 Used ROOT version
physicslist_name FTFP_BERT_HP Base physicslist name
seed 1 (TParameter<int>) Simulation seed
gaps_custom_physics True (TParameter<bool>) Enable user (GAPS) custom physics
commands /control/execute run.mac /control/verbose 1 etc. Applied UI command list in used Geant4 macro

and the TTree branches are

Branch name Type Description
nHit UInt_t Number of particles detected with any "SensitiveDetector", should be match with the other std::vector::size().
x vector<double> X of touched position [mm].
y vector<double> Y of touched position [mm].
z vector<double> Z of touched position [mm].
time vector<double> Time that particles touch the "SensitiveDetector" [ns]
eIn vector<double> Energy incoming particles into "SensitiveDetector" [MeV]
eDep vector<double> Energy deposition in "SensitiveDetector" [MeV]
TrackID vector<int> Track ID of Geant4 (Initial particle starts at 1).
copyNo vector<int> Copy No (user tag for physical volume in Geant4)
particle vector<int> Incoming particle ID with PDG code.

Run processing

> ./bin/mcProcessing -i mc.root -o processed.root
> ./bin/response -i mc.root -o response.root

The processing (with legacy TTree reader) and response (with RDataFrame) scripts are just skeltons. The meaningful branches should be implemented.