
swift macro that aims to produce crud methods on Realm Object

Primary LanguageSwift


A macro that produces some methods that can help to perform crud on Realm database.

following code defines Todo object which represents simple data stored in Realm.

    class Todo: Object {
        @Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
        @Persisted var name: String
        @Persisted var owner: String
        @Persisted var status: String

Adding @GenCrud macro to Object, crud methods will automatically generates and can be used like the below.

    // MARK: Create
    let todo = try await Todo.create(
        _id: .generate(),
        name: "Sample name",
        owner: "Sample owner",
        status: "Sample status"
    // MARK: Update
    try await todo.update(name: "Updated name")
    // MARK: Delete
    try await todo.delete()
    // MARK: Get all List
    let todos = try await Todo.list()
    // MARK: Observe all List
    let stream = try await Todo.observe()
    for try await todoChange in stream {
        switch todoChange {
        case .initial(let todos):
        case let .update(updatedTodos, _, _, _):
        case .error(let error):


Pull requests, bug reports and feature requests are welcome 🚀