
Google Play and Google Checkout scraper for developers

Primary LanguageRuby

Google Play / Google Wallet Scraper for Android Developers


This tool is designed to download CSV report files from Google Play developer console and google wallet.

It can download following CSV files from Google Play developer console

  • Sales report (monthly report)
  • Estimateds sales report
  • Application statistics

It can download following CSV files from Google Wallet.

  • Order list (almost realtime)

You don't need any merchant key, because this tool scrapes google play / wallet website.


  • Ruby >=1.9.3
  • RubyGems

To install:

$ gem install googleplay_dev_scraper


Create configuration file at ~/.googleplay_dev_scraper, or ./.googleplay_dev_scraper in YAML format.

# GooglePlay scraper config file sample (YAML format)
# Place this content to your ~/.googleplay_dev_scraper or
# ./.googleplay_dev_scraper.
# WARNING: This file contains password, be careful
# of file permission.

# Your E-mail address to login google play
email: foo@example.com

# Your password to login google play
password: "Your Password"

# Developer account ID
# You can find your developer account ID in the URL 
# after 'dev_acc=...' when login the developer console.
dev_acc: "12345678901234567890"

# Proxy host and port number (if needed) 
#proxy_host: proxy.example.com
#proxy_port: 8080

You can specify configuration parameters with command line options. See details with --help option.

How to use

Get sales report

To download sales report for October 2011:

$ googleplay_dev_scraper sales 2011 10

Or you can download estimated report too:

$ googleplay_dev_scraper estimated 2011 10 > report.zip

Note: Estimated report is compressed in zip file.

Get order report

To download order report, specify start and end time as:

$ googleplay_dev_scraper orders "2011-08-01 00:00:00" "2011-09-30 23:59:59"

Get application statistics

Export application statistics in CSV format. Specify application package name and start/end date.

$ googleplay_dev_scraper appstats your.package.name 20120101 20120630 > stat.zip

Note: You must redirect output to zip file!

API usage


require 'googleplay_dev_scraper'

scraper = GooglePlayDevScraper::Scraper.new

# set config (Note: config file is not read via API access)
scraper.config.email = "foo@example.com"
scraper.config.password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
scraper.config.dev_acc = "1234567890"

# get sales report / estimated sales report
puts scraper.get_sales_report(2012, 11)
puts scraper.get_estimated_sales_report(2012, 12)

# get orders
puts scraper.get_order_list(DateTime.parse("2012-11-01 00:00:00", DateTime.parse("2012-11-30T23:59:59"))


Public domain



'13/7/18 Takuya Murakami, E-mail: tmurakam at tmurakam.org