A simple grep for Quiver memo.
usage: memogrep.py [-h] [-q QVLIBRARY_PATH] [-i] [-b BULLET_TYPE]
[-n NUM_SPACES] [-t] [-T] [-v]
keyword [keyword ...]
Search for KEYWORD in my Quiver memo
positional arguments:
keyword search string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to Quiver library (Quiver.qvlibrary)
-i, --ignore-case Match case-insensitively
-b BULLET_TYPE, --bullet-type BULLET_TYPE
Bullet type for title
-n NUM_SPACES, --num-spaces NUM_SPACES
Num. of spaces on indent
-t, --title Displays title only
-T, --search-tag-only
Search for KEYWORD in title only
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
% ./memogrep.py keyword
% myqvlibrary=`mdfind -onlyin ~ -name Quiver.qvlibrary | grep 'Quiver/Quiver.qvlibrary'`
% ./memogrep.py -q $myqvlibrary keyword
Use with terminal markdown viewer
% ./memogrep.py -i -n 0 -b '#' keyword | mdv -t 881.4906 -
If you are using zsh/bash, following function might be your help.
function memogrep() {
if hash mdv >/dev/null 2>&1; then
memogrep.py -i -n 0 -b '#' $@ | mdv -t 881.4906 - | less -sIx4XF
memogrep.py -i $@ | less -sIx4XF