
Server-side WebAssembly Runtime

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FuncDef VM

WASM runtime to develop server-side WebAssembly applications.


  • Provide a common interface for developing server side applications for languages targeting wasm (E.g. C, C++, Rust, AssemblyScript, Kotlin, Crystal)
  • Aim to be interface compatible with multitenant execution for FaaS/PaaS runtimes


git clone https://github.com/funcdef/fdvm.git

cd fdvm/packages/fdvm-cli

npm install -g

Convert the following to wasm using wat2wasm:

    (func $log (import "env" "log") (param i32))
    (func $main
        i32.const 42
        (call $log)
    (start $main)
$fdvm example.wasm

Feature Requests/Issues/Suggestions

Please open a Github Issue


Run lerna run test to run jest tests.

Tested on node v9.11.1