
A Swift implementation of AMQP 0.9.1 protocol: decoder + encoder and non-blocking client

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Platform macOS | Linux Swift 5.10

A Swift implementation of AMQP 0.9.1 protocol: decoder + encoder (AMQPProtocol) and non-blocking client (AMQPClient).

Heavy inspired by projects: amq-protocol (https://github.com/cloudamqp/amq-protocol.cr) and amqp-client (https://github.com/cloudamqp/amqp-client.cr).

Swift-NIO related code is based on other NIO projects like:

State of the project

This project is in beta stage - API still can change before the first stable release.
It's been used in production for more than a year now.

AMQPProtocol library covers all of AMQP 0.9.1 specification. AMQPClient library's architecture using NIO Channels is already done, and all of the common AMQP operations are working (without WebSockets support).
The main goal of the project is now to release the first stable version. To do this project needs:

  • API stabilization.
  • Closing the issues (most of them are quality improvements to the project),
  • Refactoring swift-nio code with the newest async stuff.
  • Writing proper documentation.
  • Polishing based on Swift Server Side Community feedback (please use it and report bugs and suggestions!).

Basic usage

Create a connection and connect to the AMQP broker using connection string.

let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)

var connection: AMQPConnection

do {
    connection = try await AMQPConnection.connect(use: eventLoopGroup.next(), from: .init(url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f"))

    print("Succesfully connected")
} catch {
    print("Error while connecting", error)

Create a connection and connect to the AMQP broker using configuration object.

let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)

var connection: AMQPConnection

do {
    connection = try await AMQPConnection.connect(use: eventLoopGroup.next(), from: .init(connection: .plain, server: .init()))

    print("Succesfully connected")
} catch {
    print("Error while connecting", error)

Open a channel.

var channel: AMQPChannel
do {
    channel = try await connection.openChannel()

    print("Succesfully opened a channel")
} catch {
    print("Error while opening a channel", error)

Declare a queue.

do {
    try await channel.queueDeclare(name: "test", durable: false)

    print("Succesfully created queue")
} catch {
    print("Error while creating queue", error)

Publish a message to queue.

do {
    let deliveryTag = try await channel.basicPublish(
        from: ByteBuffer(string: "{}"),
        exchange: "",
        routingKey: "test"

    print("Succesfully publish a message")
} catch {
    print("Error while publishing a message", error)

Consume a single message.

do {
    guard let msg = try await channel.basicGet(queue: "test") else {
        print("No message currently available")

    print("Succesfully consumed a message", msg)
} catch {
    print("Error while consuming a message", error)

Set a QOS limit to prevent memory overflow of consumer.

try await channel.basicQos(count: 1000)

Consume a multiple message as AsyncThrowingStream.

do {
    let consumer = try await channel.basicConsume(queue: "test")

    for try await msg in consumer {
        print("Succesfully consumed a message", msg)
} catch {
    print("Delivery failure", error)

Consumer will be automatically cancelled on deinitialization. Can be also manually cancelled.

try await channel.basicCancel(consumerTag: consumer.name)

Close a channel, connection.

do {
    try await channel.close()
    try await connection.close()

    print("Succesfully closed", msg)
} catch {
    print("Error while closing", error)

Connection recovery patterns.

Handling broker closing channel or connection disconnects. Connection to AMQP broker is sustained by answering to heartbeat messages, however on network problem or broker restart connection can be broken. Broker can also close channel or connection on bad command or other error. Currently RabbitMQNIO do not support any connection nor channel recovery / re-connect mechanism so clients have to handle it manually. After connection is interrupted all of channels created by it and connection itself must be re-created manually.

Example recovery patterns.

Checking channel and connection state (safe channel pattern - wrap standard connection and channel in a class and reuse channel before for ex. any produce operation).

@available(macOS 12.0, *)
class SimpleSafeConnection {
    private let eventLoop: EventLoop
    private let config: AMQPConnectionConfiguration

    private var channel: AMQPChannel?
    private var connection: AMQPConnection?

    init(eventLoop: EventLoop, config: AMQPConnectionConfiguration) {
        self.eventLoop = eventLoop
        self.config = config
    func reuseChannel() async throws -> AMQPChannel {
        guard let channel = self.channel, channel.isOpen else {
            if self.connection == nil || self.connection!.isConnected {
                self.connection = try await AMQPConnection.connect(use: self.eventLoop, from: self.config)

            self.channel = try await connection!.openChannel()
            return self.channel!
        return channel

let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
let connection = SimpleSafeConnection(eventLoop: eventLoopGroup.next(), config: .init(connection: .plain, server: .init()))

while(true) {
    let deliveryTag = try await connection.reuseChannel().basicPublish(
        from: ByteBuffer(string: "{}"),
        exchange: "",
        routingKey: "test"

Handling channel and connection close errors (simple retry pattern - re-create channel or connection when errors occurs).

let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
var connection =  try await AMQPConnection.connect(use: eventLoopGroup.next(), from: .init(connection: .plain, server: .init()))
var channel = try await connection.openChannel()

for _ in 0..<3 {
    do {
        let deliveryTag = try await channel.basicPublish(
            from: ByteBuffer(string: "{}"),
            exchange: "",
            routingKey: "test"
    } catch AMQPConnectionError.channelClosed {
        do {
            channel = try await connection.openChannel()
        } catch AMQPConnectionError.connectionClosed {
            connection = try await AMQPConnection.connect(use: eventLoopGroup.next(), from: .init(connection: .plain, server: .init()))
            channel = try await connection.openChannel()
    } catch {
        print("Unknown problem", error)

Above recovery patterns can be mixed together.

let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
let connection = SimpleSafeConnection(eventLoop: eventLoopGroup.next(), config: .init(connection: .plain, server: .init()))
var channel = try await connection.reuseChannel()

for _ in 0..<3 {
    do {
        let deliveryTag = try await channel.basicPublish(
            from: ByteBuffer(string: "{}"),
            exchange: "",
            routingKey: "test"
    } catch AMQPConnectionError.channelClosed {
        channel = try await connection.reuseChannel()
    } catch {
        print("Unknown problem", error)