
Project COVID19 Catalonia population density - FCB 2023


In this project you should analyse data to attempt answering the following question:

Do COVID19 spread is affected by population density in Catalonia?


You should use the following two datasets:

  1. Cases of COVID-19 in Catalonia, broken by sex and municipality, at the Dades Obertes de Catalunya data portal. You should download the CSV file by going to this link, clicking on 'Exporta' and then on 'CSV'.

  2. Land indicators of Catalonia, including population density by municipality, at the Dades Obertes de Catalunya data portal. You should download the CSV file by going to this link, clicking on 'Exporta' and then on 'CSV'.


The GitHub repo for this project should contain, at least, the following files:

  • index.Rmd: R Markdown script with the R code doing the analysis of the data and the corresponding text explaining those analysis steps.
  • index.html: Resulting HTML output from processing (knitting) the file index.Rmd. This file (index.html) and other web-related files may also be located in a subdirectory called docs, when publishing it with GitHub pages, but this docs subdirectory cannot have .R or .Rmd files.
  • The CSV files employed during the analysis.
  • This README.md file.

Object names in the R code in .Rmd and .R files should not contain non-english characters such as ç or ñ or accents such as à, é, etc. The analysis of the data described in the HTML file should contain the following sections:

  • Front matter: This is the basic information of the project that should appear at the beginning and should consist of the following items: title of the project including at the end or as subtitle "FCB 2023", names of the authors and date. Here the words Front Matter should not be included as section name.
  • Abstract: Summary of the question and the findings (max. 200 words).
  • Introduction: Description of the question and the data employed to answer it. Description of any steps taken, if any, previous to this R Markdown document, to prepare the data that is being analyzed.
  • Results: R code interspersed with text, describing the analysis steps and the display items with the results, which should consist, at least, of one table and one plot.
  • Conclusions: summary of the findings, limitations of the study, ways in which this type of study could be improved in the future.
  • References: bibliographic references.


The analysis of the data should be carried out at least using R, but you can also use shell or Python scripts to transform or prepare the data for the analysis with R. If those prior steps using shell or Python scripts are included, they should be described in the introduction section of the R Markdown document and, ideally, made readily reproducible using a Makefile.

Submission procedure

This assignment has to be submitted using GitHub Classroom. This means that you should have cloned the GitHub repo of this assignment from the organization account for FCB in the academic year 2023-24 at https://github.com/funcompbio2023 using the submission link provided at the FCB Moodle site.

To complete your submission (see rubric below) one team member should fill up a Google form provided at the FCB Moodle site before the deadline and agree to the following academic integrity statement, by editing this README file and placing the letter X between the squared brackets preceding the statement:

  • [] The work here submitted has been entirely developed by the members of our team and it is the result of our own work.

Evaluation rubric

The rubric to evaluate this project consists of the following items:

  1. Have all members of the group agreed to the academic integrity statement? Have all members of the group made a sizeable number of commits to the GitHub repo?

  2. Does the GitHub repo contain at least the analysed CSV files along with the index.Rmd file and the resulting index.html?

  3. Does the R Markdown file index.Rmd, and any other additional code, run the analysis without errors and generates the expected index.html file?

  4. Does the analysis described in the resulting index.html file conform to the requested sectioning.

  5. Does the introduction explain clearly what is the question addressed, the data employed and the number of observations and variables involved?

  6. Do the plots and tables show some meaningful summary of the data? Are axes in plots labeled in plain language and large enough to read? Are plots and tables referred to from the main text?

  7. Does the R Markdown file index.Rmd, and any other additional R Markdown file, consists of R code interspersed with Markdown text? Is the code easy to read? Do the code instructions have a specific purpose?

  8. Is the index.html and any other file forming the resulting website hosted in a private URL with GitHub Pages?

  9. Does the GitHub repo include a Makefile that automatizes the entire analysis pipeline and generation of the final report in the index.html file?

  10. Does the project as whole make an overall good impression?