
Adapter for Ring (with H2C and WebSocket support).

Primary LanguageClojureMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Undertow based HTTP server for Clojure

A pragmatic and efficient ring adapter for the high performance undertow http server.

Relevant characteristics:

  • Unified http and websocket handlers; there are no separate routings for http and http. Any http request can be upgraded to websocket.
  • No HTTPS support; this is intended to be used behind http proxy which is in most cases the responsible of handling TLS; this is a practical decission to not maintain code that is almost never used in practice (when serving content to the internet).
  • Based on ring-2.0 for performance reasons and it is the default, but it also can work in a ring1 compliant mode.
  • By default uses Virtual Threads for request dispatching so, it requires JDK >= 21 (although you have the option of using platform threads as well).
  • No ring-async support, with virtual threads there are no real need for callback based API, so we opted to directly to no support it.


Quick Start

On deps.edn:

{:git/tag "v10.0"
 :git/sha "520613f"
 :git/url "https://github.com/funcool/yetti.git"}

In the REPL:

(require '[yetti.adapter :as yt]
         '[ring.response :as res])

;; Using Response type

(defn handler
  {::res/status 200
   ::res/body "hello world"})

(-> handler
    (yt/server {:http/port 11010})

If you want a ring1 compatible request:

(require '[yetti.adapter :as yt])

(defn handler
  [{:keys [request-method] :as request}]
  {:status 200
   :body (str "hello world " (name request-method))})

(-> handler
    (yt/server {:http/port 11010 :ring/compat :ring1})

The possible values for :ring/compat are:

  • :ring2: the default, receives a ring2 compatible, map-like type (with main focus on performance)
  • :ring1: receives a ring1 compliant map

In all modes, the expected response can be in ring2 or ring1 format, the both are supported out of the box.


Any ring handler can upgrade to websocket protocol, there is an example:

(require '[yetti.websocket :as yws]
         '[ring.response :as-alias rres]
         '[ring.websocket :as-alias rws])

(defn handler
  ;; We prefer use `yws/upgrade-request?` over `rws/upgrade-request?`
  ;; in case if you use ring2 requests, for performance reasons.
  (if (yws/upgrade-request? request)
    {::rws/listener {:on-open  (fn [ws])
                     :on-error (fn [ws e])
                     :on-close (fn [ws status-code reason])
                     :on-message  (fn [ws message])
                     :on-ping  (fn [ws data])
                     :on-pong  (fn [ws data])}}
    {::rres/status 404}))

IWebSocket protocol allows you to read and write data on the ws value:

  • (rws/send ws msg)
  • (rws/send ws msg callback)
  • (rws/ping ws msg)
  • (rws/pong ws msg)
  • (rws/close ws)

There also an additional API from this adapter:

  • (yws/get-remote-addr ws)
  • (yws/set-idle-timeout! ws timeout)

Notice that we support different type of msg:

  • byte[] and ByteBuffer: send binary websocket message
  • String: send text websocket message


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License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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Copyright © 2021-Now Andrey Antukh