
A library enabling BigQuery as Hive storage handler

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hive-BigQuery Connector

The Hive-BigQuery Connector is a Hive storage handler that enables Hive to interact with BigQuery's storage layer. It allows you to run queries in Hive using the HiveQL dialect to read from and write to BigQuery.

Release notes

See the details in CHANGES.md.

Version support

This connector supports Dataproc 2.0 and 2.1.

For Hadoop clusters other than Dataproc, the connector has been tested with the following software versions:

  • Hive 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
  • Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.3 and 3.3.3.
  • Tez 0.9.2 on Hadoop 2, and Tez 0.10.1 on Hadoop 3.


To build the connector jar:

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/hive-bigquery-connector
    cd hive-bigquery-connector
  2. Compile and package the jar:

    ./mvnw package -DskipTests

    The packaged jar is now available at: connector/target/hive-bigquery-connector-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar



Make sure you have the BigQuery Storage API enabled in your GCP project. Follow these instructions.

Option 1: connectors init action

For Dataproc clusters, the most convenient way to install the Hive-BigQuery connector is to use the connectors init action.

Option 2: manual installation

You can also download the released connector jar from Maven Central, or build from the source, then install it in your cluster manually:

  1. Upload the jar to your cluster.

  2. Pass the jar's path with the --auxpath parameter when you start your Hive session:

    hive --auxpath <jar path>/hive-bigquery-connector-<version>.jar

Managed tables vs external tables

Hive can have two types of tables:

  • Managed tables, sometimes referred to as internal tables.
  • External tables.

The Hive BigQuery connector supports both types in the following ways.

Managed tables

When you create a managed table using the CREATE TABLE statement, the connector creates both the table metadata in the Hive Metastore and a new table in BigQuery with the same schema.

Here's an example:

CREATE TABLE mytable (word_count BIGINT, word STRING)
STORED BY 'com.google.cloud.hive.bigquery.connector.BigQueryStorageHandler'

When you drop a managed table using the DROP TABLE statement, the connector drops both the table metadata from the Hive Metastore and the BigQuery table (including all of its data).

For Hive-3.x, create a managed table with NOT NULL column restraint will not create the BigQuery table with corresponding NOT NULL restraint. The NOT NULL restraint is still enforced by Hive at runtime. It is recommended to use external table if user needs to have the NOT NULL restraint on the BigQuery table.

External tables

When you create an external table using the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement, the connector only creates the table metadata in the Hive Metastore. It assumes that the corresponding table in BigQuery already exists.

Here's an example:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mytable (word_count BIGINT, word STRING)
STORED BY 'com.google.cloud.hive.bigquery.connector.BigQueryStorageHandler'

When you drop an external table using the DROP TABLE statement, the connector only drops the table metadata from the Hive Metastore. The corresponding BigQuery table remains unaffected.

Statistics For Hive Query Planning

It is recommended to collect statistics (e.g. the number of rows, raw data size, etc) to help Hive to optimize query plan, therefore improving performance. Follow these steps to collect statistics for a table: (replace <table_name> with your table name)

  1. Check if Hive has reasonable statistics on numRows and rawDataSize for your table.

    DESCRIBE FORMATTED <table_name>;

    Example output:

    Table Parameters:
        COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE	{\"BASIC_STATS\":\"true\",\"COLUMN_STATS\":{\"id\":\"true\",\"name\":\"true\"}}
        numFiles            	0
        numRows             	12345
        rawDataSize         	67890
        totalSize           	34567
  2. if statstics rawDataSize or numRows is missing, run the following HiveQL query:


    repeate step 1 to see if rawDataSize and numRows are set after above command.

  3. If statistics rawDataSize or numRows is still missing after above step 2), this means the Hive version does not support collecting statistics from BigQuery table yet, to workaround it, continue with the following steps.

    Collect column stats


    repeate step 1 to see if COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE is set true after above command.

    Enable the following setting to activate column statistics usage for query planning:

    SET hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;


As Hive's partitioning and BigQuery's partitioning inherently work in different ways, the Hive PARTITIONED BY clause is not supported. However, you can still leverage BigQuery's partitioning by using table properties. Two types of partitioning are currently supported: time-unit column partitioning and ingestion time partitioning.

Time-unit column partitioning

You can partition a table on a column of Hive type DATE, TIMESTAMP, or TIMESTAMPLOCALTZ, which respectively correspond to the BigQuery DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP types. When you write data to the table, BigQuery automatically puts the data into the correct partition based on the values in the column.

For TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPLOCALTZ columns, the partitions can have either hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly granularity. For DATE columns, the partitions can have daily, monthly, or yearly granularity. Partitions boundaries are based on UTC time.

To create a table partitioned by a time-unit column, you must set the bq.time.partition.field table property to the column's name.

Here's an example:

STORED BY 'com.google.cloud.hive.bigquery.connector.BigQueryStorageHandler'

Check out the official BigQuery documentation about Time-unit column partitioning to learn more.

Ingestion time partitioning

When you create a table partitioned by ingestion time, BigQuery automatically assigns rows to partitions based on the time when BigQuery ingests the data. You can choose hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly boundaries for the partitions. Partitions boundaries are based on UTC time.

An ingestion-time partitioned table also has two pseudo columns:

  • _PARTITIONTIME: ingestion time for each row, truncated to the partition boundary (such as hourly or daily). This column has the DATE Hive type, which corresponds to the BigQuery DATE type.
  • _PARTITIONDATE: UTC date corresponding to the value in the _PARTITIONTIME pseudo column. This column has the TIMESTAMPLOCALTZ Hive type, which corresponds to the BigQuery TIMESTAMP type.

To create a table partitioned by ingestion time, you must set the bq.time.partition.type table property to the partition boundary of your choice (HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR).

Here's an example:

CREATE TABLE mytable (int_val BIGINT)
STORED BY 'com.google.cloud.hive.bigquery.connector.BigQueryStorageHandler'

Note: Ingestion time partitioning is currently supported only for read operations.

Check out the official BigQuery documentation about Ingestion time partitioning to learn more.


As Hive's clustering and BigQuery's clustering inherently work in different ways, the Hive CLUSTERED BY clause is not supported. However, you can still leverage BigQuery's clustering by setting the bq.clustered.fields table property to a comma-separated list of the columns to cluster the table by.

Here's an example:

CREATE TABLE mytable (int_val BIGINT, text STRING, purchase_date DATE)
STORED BY 'com.google.cloud.hive.bigquery.connector.BigQueryStorageHandler'

Check out the official BigQuery documentation about Clustering to learn more.

Tables properties

You can use the following properties in the TBLPROPERTIES clause when you create a new table:

Property Description
bq.table Always required. BigQuery table name in the format of project.dataset.table
bq.time.partition.type Time partitioning granularity. Possible values: HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR
bq.time.partition.field Name of a DATE or TIMESTAMP column to partition the table by
bq.time.partition.expiration.ms Partition expiration time in milliseconds
bq.time.partition.require.filter Set it to true to require that all queries on the table must include a predicate filter (a WHERE clause) that filters on the partitioning column. Defaults to false.
bq.clustered.fields Comma-separated list of fields to cluster the table by

Job configuration properties

You can set the following Hive/Hadoop configuration properties in your environment:

Property Default value Description
bq.read.data.format arrow Data format used for reads from BigQuery. Possible values: arrow, avro.
bq.temp.gcs.path GCS location for storing temporary Avro files when using the indirect write method
bq.write.method direct Indicates how to write data to BigQuery. Possible values: direct (to directly write to the BigQuery storage API), indirect (to stage temprary Avro files to GCS before loading into BigQuery).
bq.work.dir.parent.path ${hadoop.tmp.dir} Parent path on HDFS where each job creates its temporary work directory
bq.work.dir.name.prefix bq-hive- Prefix used for naming the jobs' temporary directories.
materializationProject Project used to temporarily materialize data when reading views. Defaults to the same project as the read view.
materializationDataset Dataset used to temporarily materialize data when reading views. Defaults to the same dataset as the read view.
maxParallelism Maximum initial number of read streams
viewsEnabled false Set it to true to enable reading views.

Data Type Mapping

Add links to Hive & BQ types doc.

Hive Hive type description BigQuery BigQuery type description
TINYINT 1-byte signed integer INT64
SMALLINT 2-byte signed integer INT64
INT 4-byte signed integer INT64
BIGINT 8-byte signed integer INT64
FLOAT 4-byte single precision floating point number FLOAT64
DOUBLE 8-byte double precision floating point number FLOAT64
DECIMAL Alias of NUMERIC. Precision: 38. Scale: 38 DECIMAL Alias of NUMERIC. Precision: 38. Scale: 9.
DATE Format: YYYY-MM-DD DATE Format: YYYY-[M]M-[D]D. Supported range: 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31
TIMESTAMP Timezone-less timestamp stored as an offset from the UNIX epoch DATETIME A date and time, as they might be displayed on a watch, independent of time zone.
TIMESTAMPLOCALTZ Timezoned timestamp stored as an offset from the UNIX epoch TIMESTAMP Absolute point in time, independent of any time zone or convention such as Daylight Savings Time
BOOLEAN Boolean values are represented by the keywords TRUE and FALSE BOOLEAN
CHAR Variable-length character data STRING
VARCHAR Variable-length character data STRING
STRING Variable-length character data STRING
BINARY Variable-length binary data BYTES
ARRAY Represents repeated values ARRAY
STRUCT Represents nested structures STRUCT
MAP Dictionary of keys and values. Keys must be of primitive type, whereas values can be of any type. ARRAY<STRUCT> BigQuery doesn't support Maps natively. The connector implements it as a list of structs, where each struct has two columns: name and value.

Execution engines

The BigQuery storage handler supports both the MapReduce and Tez execution engines. Tez is recommended for better performance -- you can use it by setting the hive.execution.engine=tez configuration property.

Column Pruning

Since BigQuery is backed by a columnar datastore, it can efficiently stream data without reading all columns.

Predicate pushdowns

The connector supports predicate pushdowns to the BigQuery Storage Read API. This allows to filter data at the BigQuery storage layer, which reduces the amount of data traversing the network and improves overall performance.

Many built-in Hive UDFs and operators (e.g. AND, OR, ABS, TRIM, BETWEEN...) are identical in BigQuery, so the connector passes those as-is to BigQuery.

However, some Hive UDFs and operators are different in BigQuery. So the connector automatically converts those to the equivalent functions in BigQuery. Below is the list of UDFs and operators that are automatically converted:

Hive generic UDF BigQuery function Notes
% MOD BigQuery currently supports MOD only for the INT64, NUMERIC, and BIGNUMERIC types

Note: Custom Hive UDFs (aka Hive plugins) are currently not supported.


Parallel reads

The connector allows parallel reads from BigQuery by using the BigQuery Storage API.

You can set the preferredMinParallelism configuration property, which the connector passes to CreateReadSessionRequest.setPreferredMinStreamCount() when it creates the BigQuery read session. This parameter can be used to inform the BigQuery service that there is a desired lower bound on the number of streams. This is typically the target parallelism of the client (e.g. a Hive cluster with N-workers would set this to a low multiple of N to ensure good cluster utilization). The BigQuery backend makes a best effort to provide at least this number of streams, but in some cases might provide less.

Additionally, you can set the maxParallelism configuration property, which the connector passes to CreateReadSessionRequest.setMaxStreamCount(). If unset or zero, the BigQuery backend server will provide a value of streams to produce reasonable throughput. The number of streams may be lower than the requested number, depending on the amount parallelism that is reasonable for the table. There is a default system max limit of 1,000. This must be greater than or equal to the number of MapReduce splits. Typically, a client should either leave this unset to let the system determine an upper bound or set this as the maximum "units of work" that the client can gracefully handle.

The connector supports both the Arrow and Avro read formats. You can specify which format the connector should use by setting the bq.read.data.format configuration property to either arrow or avro. The connector uses Arrow by default as Arrow generally performs better than Avro.

Parallel writes

The connector supports two methods for writing to BigQuery: direct writes and indirect writes.

Direct write method

The direct write method consists of writing directly to BigQuery by using the BigQuery Write API in "pending" mode.

The indirect write method consists of the following steps:

  • During the execution of a write job, each mapper task creates its own BigQuery write stream and writes directly to BigQuery in parallel.
  • At the end of the job, the connector commits all the streams together atomically. If the commit succeeds, then the newly written data instantly becomes available for reading.

If for some reason the job fails, all the writes that may have been done through the various open streams are automatically garbage-collected by the BigQuery backend and none of the data ends up persisting in the target table.

The direct write method is generally faster than the indirect write method but incurs costs associated with usage of the BigQuery Storage Write API.

The connector uses this method by default.

Indirect write method

The indirect write method consists of the following steps:

  • During the execution of a write job, each mapper task creates its own temporary output Avro file and stages it to GCS.
  • At the end of the job, the connector commits the writes by executing a BigQuery load job with all the Avro files.
  • Once the job is complete, the connector deletes the temporary Avro files from GCS.

This method is generally costs less than the direct write method as BigQuery load jobs are free and this method only incur costs related to GCS write operations and storage. However, this method is also generally much slower due to its multi-stage nature and data being routed through GCS. Learn more about other limitations.

The connector uses the direct write method by default. To let it use the indirect method instead, set the bq.write.method configuration property to indirect, and set the bq.temp.gcs.path property to indicate where to store the temporary Avro files in GCS.

Reading From BigQuery Views

The connector has preliminary support for reading from BigQuery views. Please note there are a few caveats:

  • The Storage Read API operates on storage directly, so the API cannot be used to read logical or materialized views. To get around this limitation, the connector materializes the views into temporary tables before it can read them. This materialization process can affect overall read performance and incur additional costs to your BigQuery bill.
  • By default, the materialized views are created in the same project and dataset. Those can be configured by the optional materializationProject and materializationDataset Hive configuration properties or table properties, respectively.
  • As mentioned in the BigQuery documentation, the materializationDataset should be in same location as the view.
  • Reading from views is disabled by default. In order to enable it, set the viewsEnabled configuration property to true.


The connector needs an instance of a GoogleCredentials in order to connect to the BigQuery APIs.

By default on Dataproc, the connector automatically uses the cluster service account's credentials.

There are multiple options to override the default behavior and to provide custom credentials:

  • Set the path to a service account's JSON private key in the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

  • Set the path to a service account's JSON private key in the bq.credentials.file configuration property.

  • Set a base64-encoded service account JSON private key in the bq.credentials.key configuration property.

  • Set the fully qualified class name of a custom access token provider implementation in the bq.access.token.provider.fqcn configuration property. The class must be implemented in Java or other JVM languages such as Scala or Kotlin. It must either have a no-arg constructor or a constructor accepting a single java.util.String parameter. This parameter can be supplied using the bq.access.token.provider.config configuration property. If the property is not set then the no-arg constructor will be called. The JAR containing the implementation class should be on the cluster's classpath.

  • Define service account impersonation for specific users, specific groups, or for all users that run the Hive query by default using below properties:

    • bq.impersonation.service.account.for.user.<USER_NAME> (not set by default)

      The service account to be impersonated for a specific user. You can specify multiple properties using that pattern for multiple users.

    • bq.impersonation.service.account.for.group.<GROUP_NAME> (not set by default)

      The service account to be impersonated for a specific group. You can specify multiple properties using that pattern for multiple groups.

    • bq.impersonation.service.account (not set by default)

      Default service account to be impersonated for all users.

    If any of the above properties are set then the service account specified will be impersonated by generating a short-lived credentials when accessing BigQuery.

    If more than one property is set then the service account associated with the username will take precedence over the service account associated with the group name for a matching user and group, which in turn will take precedence over default service account impersonation.

  • For simpler applications where access token refresh is not required, pass the access token itself with the bq.access.token configuration property. You can generate an access token by running gcloud auth application-default print-access-token.

Known issues and limitations

  • The UPDATE, MERGE, and DELETE, and ALTER TABLE statements are currently not supported.
  • The PARTITIONED BY, CLUSTERED BY, INSERT INTO PARTITION, and INSERT INTO PARTITION OVERWRITE statements are currently not supported. Note, however, that partitioning and clustering in BigQuery are supported via TBLPROPERTIES. See the corresponding sections on partitioning and clustering.
  • CTAS (aka CREATE TABLE AS SELECT) and CTLT (CREATE TABLE LIKE TABLE) statements are currently not supported.
  • If a write job fails when using the Tez execution engine and the indirect write method, the temporary avro files might not be automatically cleaned up from the GCS bucket. The MR execution engine does not have this limitation. The temporary files are always cleaned up when the job is successful, regardless of the execution engine in use.
  • If you use the Hive MAP type, then the map's key must be of STRING type if you use the Avro format for reading or the indirect method for writing. This is because Avro requires keys to be strings. If you use the Arrow format for reading (default) and the direct method for writing (also default), then there are no type limitations for the keys.
  • Hive DECIMAL data type has precision of 38 and scale of 38, while BigQuery's NUMERIC/BIGNUMERIC have different precisions and scales. (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types#decimal_types), If the BigQuery data of BIGNUMERIC's precision and scale out of Hive's DECIMAL range, data can show up as NULL.
  • Custom Hive UDFs (aka Hive plugins) are currently not supported.
  • BigQuery ingestion time partitioning is currently supported only for read operations.
  • BigQuery integer range partitioning is currently not supported.


Code formatting

To standardize the code's format, use Spotless:

./mvnw spotless:apply

Unit/integration tests

Set up IAM permissions

Create a service account and give the following roles in your project:

  • BigQuery Admin
  • Storage Admin

Download a JSON private key for the service account, and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path/to/your/key.json>

Enable APIs

Enable the following APIs:

gcloud services enable \
  bigquerystorage.googleapis.com \

BigLake setup

Define environment variables:

export PROJECT=my-gcp-project
export BIGLAKE_REGION=us-central1
export BIGLAKE_CONNECTION=hive-integration-tests
export BIGLAKE_BUCKET=${USER}-biglake-test

Create the test BigLake connection:

bq mk \
  --connection \
  --project_id="${PROJECT}" \
  --location="${BIGLAKE_LOCATION}" \
  --connection_type=CLOUD_RESOURCE \

Create the bucket to host BigLake datasets:

gsutil mb -l "${BIGLAKE_REGION}" "gs://${BIGLAKE_BUCKET}"

Give the BigLake connection's service account access to the bucket:

export BIGLAKE_SA=$(bq show --connection --format json "${PROJECT}.${BIGLAKE_LOCATION}.${BIGLAKE_CONNECTION}" \
  | jq -r .cloudResource.serviceAccountId)

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${BIGLAKE_SA}:objectViewer gs://${BIGLAKE_BUCKET}

Running the tests

You must use Java version 8, as it's the version that Hive itself uses. Make sure that JAVA_HOME points to the Java 8's base directory.

Integration tests
  • To run the integration tests:

    ./mvnw verify -Pdataproc21,integration
  • To run a single integration test class:

    ./mvnw verify -Pdataproc21,integration -Dit.test="BigLakeIntegrationTests"
  • To run a specific integration test method:

    ./mvnw verify -Pdataproc21,integration -Dit.test="BigLakeIntegrationTests#testReadBigLakeTable"
  • To debug the tests, add the -Dmaven.failsafe.debug property:

    ./mvnw verify -Pdataproc21,integration -Dmaven.failsafe.debug

    ... then run a remote debugger in IntelliJ at port 5005. Read more about debugging with FailSafe here: https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/debugging.html

Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests create Dataproc clusters with the connector and run jobs to verify it.

The following environment variables must be set and exported first.

  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS - the full path to a credentials JSON, either a service account or the result of a gcloud auth login run
  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT - The Google cloud platform project used to test the connector
  • TEST_BUCKET - The GCS bucked used to test writing to BigQuery during the integration tests
  • ACCEPTANCE_TEST_BUCKET - The GCS bucked used to test writing to BigQuery during the acceptance tests

To run the acceptance tests:

./mvnw verify -Pdataproc21,acceptance

If you want to avoid rebuilding shaded-dependencies and shaded-test-dependencies when there is no changes in these modules, you can break it down into several steps, and only rerun the necessary steps:

# Install hive-bigquery-parent/pom.xml to Maven local repo
mvn install:install-file -Dpackaging=pom -Dfile=hive-bigquery-parent/pom.xml -DpomFile=hive-bigquery-parent/pom.xml

# Build and install shaded-dependencies and shaded-test-dependencies jars to Maven local repo
mvn clean install -pl shaded-dependencies,shaded-test-dependencies -Pdataproc21 -DskipTests

# Build and test connector
mvn clean verify -pl connector -Pdataproc21,acceptance
Running the tests for different Hadoop versions

To run the tests for Hadoop 2, pass the -Phadoop2 parameter to the mvnw verify command to activate the hadoop2 Maven profile. For Hadoop 3, pass -Phadoop3 instead.

Before you can run the tests with Hadoop 3, you also must install Tez's latest (unreleased) 0.9.3:

  • Install Protobuf v2.5.0:

    If you're on MacOS, install these packages:

    brew install automake libtool wget

    Then compile Protobuf from source:

    cd ~
    wget https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v2.5.0/protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
    tar -xvjf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
    rm protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
    cd protobuf-2.5.0
    ./configure --prefix=$(PWD)
    make; make check
    make install
  • Get the Tez source:

    cd ~
    git clone
    cd git@github.com:apache/tez.git
    cd tez
    git checkout origin/branch-0.9
  • Compile and install Tez:

    export PATH=${HOME}/protobuf-2.5.0/bin:${PATH}
    mvn clean install \
      --projects=tez-api,tez-common,tez-mapreduce,tez-dag,hadoop-shim,tez-runtime-library,tez-runtime-internals \
      -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true \
      -Dprotoc.path=${HOME}/protobuf-2.5.0/bin/protoc -Dhadoop.version=3.2.3

    If all steps have succeeded, then Tez's 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT packages should be installed in your local Maven repository and you should be able to run the tests with Hadoop 3 by using the -Phadoop3 argument.