This is the end point that interacts with Fula blockchain contract
Using the .env.example create the .env file and fill the needed values
Run the following command
cargo run -- --validator-seed ${Validator_seed}
Supply: Consult the total supply of the token paths: "goerli/supply", "mumbai/supply"
Allowance: Consult the current allowance of the given accounts paths: "goerli/allowance", "mumbai/allowance"
Mint: Mint tokens to the given account paths: "goerli/mint", "mumbai/mint"
Burn: Burn tokens from the given account if the necessary allowance
paths: "goerli/burn", "mumbai/burn"
Transfer: Transfer the tokens from the given account if the necessary allowance
paths: "goerli/transfer", "mumbai/transfer"
Increase_allowance: Increase the amount of tokens to be able to burn or transfer
paths: "goerli/increase_allowance", "mumbai/increase_allowance"
Decrease_allowance: Decrease the amount of tokens to be able to burn or transfer
paths: "goerli/decrease_allowance", "mumbai/decrease_allowance"