
Develop xml and html for anekArthaka and samAnArthaka Sanskrit dictionaries

Primary LanguagePHP


Develop xml and html for anekArthaka and samAnArthaka Sanskrit dictionaries

v0 version

# generate the dictionary displays, using dictionary code 'harsa'
# the apps directory is not tracked by git.
cd v0/csl-pywork/
sh generate_dict.sh harsa  ../apps/harsa
# Access the displays via browser, e.g. at url

v1 version

Addresses problems:

  • list display order #5
  • missing meanings #6
  • advanced search order #7
# generate the dictionary displays, using dictionary code 'harsa'
# the apps directory is not tracked by git.
cd v1/csl-pywork/
sh generate_dict.sh harsa  ../apps/harsa
# Access the displays via browser, e.g. at url

v2 version

 provides anhk.xml and anhk1.xml.
   anhk.xml is form assumed by CDSL displays.
   anhk1.xml is alternate format useful to Dhaval.
   conversion between the two is programmatic and shows they are equivalent.

v3 version

  Change dictionary name to ANHK.
  Refer https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE/issues/405

v4 version

Add dictionary abch (Abhidhānacintāmaṇi of Hemacandrācārya)

Primary file source is v4/prep/abch/abch1.txt (Devanagari).

To reconstruct the app

assume in directory v4 of repository

sh redo.sh abch

this script does the following:
# a. construct abch.txt (slp1). This form is basis for other steps
cd prep/abch
sh redo.sh 
# b. abch.txt from prep to csl-orig/abch
cp prep/abch.txt csl-orig/abch/
# c. Reconstruct displays in v4/apps/abch/web/
cd ../../   # back to kosha-dev/v4
cd csl-pywork


Notes on scanned images for abch