
A useful Downloader for Andorid implement multi thread and break-point download.

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Android Arsenal

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逻辑比较简单但实用的Android多线程断点续传下载器 ##Android API 版本要求 API 1 ##版本迭代 ###1.0.0 Release 多线程断点续传暂未发现问题 ##预览图 在普通界面中下载



  • 多线程下载
  • 断点续传

更多的功能方法可查看DLManager.java ##如何集成到项目 ###步骤一 将Downloader这个Module导入你的Project中 ###步骤二 在你Project的settings.gradle文件中增加如下内容:

include ':Downloader'


include ':YourMoudle',':Downloader'

添加后当出现“sycn now”提示时点击同步即可 ###步骤三 在你项目的build.gradle文件的dependencies区域中添加如下内容:

compile project(':Downloader')

##如何使用 一旦将Downloader集成到项目后你便可以调用DLManager中的dlStart、dlStop和dlCancel方法来开始、停止和取消一个下载任务:


DLManager.getInstance(context).dlStart(url, dirPath, null);


DLManager.getInstance(context).dlStart(url, dirPath,
        new DLTaskListener() {
            public void onProgress(int progress) {
                // 下载进行时










Downloader for Android multi-thread http download

Easy and useful downloader for Android ##Android API Needs API 1 ##Version ###1.0.0 Release Multi-thread http download ##Preview Download in activity

Download in statusbar


  • Multi-thread
  • Resume broken downloads

You can see DLManager.java for more help. ##How to add to your project ###step 1 import Downloaderlib to your project ###step 2 Add something like below in your settings.gradle file of project:

include ':Downloader'

Note that in some other gradle version you many add module like below:

include ':YourMoudle',':Downloader'

Click 'sycn now' when it appear after module add. ###step 3 Add something like below in your build.gradle file of project:

compile project(':Downloader')

##Usage Once you add Downloader to your project you can use method dlStart dlStop and dlCancel provide by DLManager to start stop and cancel a download task:

Start a download task

DLManager.getInstance(context).dlStart(url, dirPath, null);

You can set a DLTaskListener for dlStart if you want to monitor download process:

DLManager.getInstance(context).dlStart(url, dirPath,
        new DLTaskListener() {
            public void onProgress(int progress) {
                // when download progressing

You can see DLTaskListener.java for more about download listener.

Stop a download task


Just use dlStop method and transfer url to stop a download task.

Cancel a download task


Similarly, use dlCancel method and transfer url to cancel a download task. The difference between dlStop and dlCancel is whether the data in database would be deleted or not, for example, the state of download like local file and data in database will be save when you use dlStop stop a download task, if you use dlCancel cancel a download task, anything related to download task would be deleted. note:The unique identification of a download task is url.

More for usage please see Demo.

#LICENSE Copyright 2014-2015 AigeStudio(https://github.com/AigeStudio)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.