
a todo-list for git

Primary LanguageRuby


a todo-list for git


Toga is a rubygem.

gem install toga


$ toga init .
$ mate Togafile

A sample Togafile looks like:


Finish serialization methods
Write better regexes
Resolve issue #205


Use cloud database for production instead of local redis server

This is simply your todo list. CURRENT marks things you are working on right now; LATER marks things you want to finish in the near future; and COMPLETED obviously marks done tasks.

Let's say we want to finish the first task on the list:

$ toga complete Finish seria

(You don't need to type the whole line, just the first part.)

This will stage a git commit with your commit already set to your todo's text; you can then add more to your commit message, of course!

Now, check your Togafile:

$ toga list


Write better regexes
Resolve issue #205
[x] Finish serialization methods # => completed at 2:06pm today


Use cloud database for production instead of local redis server

By default, completed tasks are left in the current list so that you can feel awesome about them. If you want, you can clean the current Todos:

$ toga clean

We can use toga to push commits, too, if you want:

$ toga push

This will move done tasks to the completed group:


Write better regexes
Resolve issue #205


Use cloud database for production instead of local redis server

[x] Finish serialization methods # => completed at 2:06pm today, http://github.com/colinyoung/toga/commits/abc939499cb…

It also provides a link to the git project and the commit ref so that you can see how you completed your task.